Turntable 1.0

Anyone who has played with the yyf turntable 1.0, is there anything else out there that you would say plays just like or close to it?

Anyone know about the turntable 2.0?

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It is a bit of a generic organic edged V. Plays fine. Mostly it is striking for its looks. Have not tried the 2.0

Generic, you think? :thinking:

Generic in terms of play feel, yeah. Most modern yo-yos are quite good so that’s not a negative!

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I would say it plays similar to the YYF AL Dream in spin time and stability!
I liked them both! They feel very close on-the-string…

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:clap::clap::clap:, awesome answer. Yyf AL Dream? Is al correct or a typo??

It’s short for Aluminum Dream.

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:neutral_face::gun: I’m dumb. Lol

The Al Dream plays better in my opinion. It’s one of the best monometal yoyos I’ve used.


I’d love to hear about the 2.0 as well. I have to admit I like the idea of it being made in the USA.

I haven’t played the 1.0, but I have seen some high praise for it.

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The 2.0 is really an amazing playing yo-yo. Really surprised me actually on how stable and fast moving it is as the shape did not look like it was going to play to me. And visually - its just dynamite…

Also using this as a chance to share an old picture of the original TurnTable I took that I loved when it was first released in Japan at Worlds!


Here is my 1.0, thanks to @WHOTH3MAN