Turning Point question

The isotope 2 has some crazy power! I thought the draupnir had some power, but the isotope 2 raised the bar higher.

I don’t think a yoyo itself plays as much of a role in slack tricks as string length and the string itself. Just saying :wink: Unless we’re talking about rejection tricks, because the shape of the yoyo itself can dramatically affect how the string pops out of the gap.

What the crap? A fun yoyo is an enjoyable yoyo.

lol fun there should be some other name then to call a yoyo fun lol unless it does its own trick


There awesome my TP paranoid is dead smooth, and looks beautiful. From my experiences they have some amazing and pricy yoyos.

The gap width and response have to be relevant. You’d want a less responsive yoyo if doing lots of slacks, right? And the Draupnir is pretty responsive. I’m guessing this is why Akitoshi Tokubuchi had YYR make a wider gapped Draupnir, to suit his style.

But anyway, I’m not really arguing that. I don’t know much about slack tricks TBH. They’re not used much in 5A. I was just responding to something said by Raptor T:

" It [sic, referring to CLYW and OD throws] also not only suited for availability but also for style: as Asian players like the Draunir more because it has speed stability and long spin times. In the US, it varies there are somsome who like do more intricate slack tricks, and some who put more speed to them."

To me this statement implied CLYW and OD are better for slack tricks than popular Japanese competition yoyos.