Turning Point Mgska

Received the Turning Point Mgska just over a week ago… this throw has a magnesium body with a shape based on the Majiska. I must say, I’m very happy with this throw so far. I tend to lean toward organic throws for my everyday sessions and this shape does not disappoint. It’s a bit narrower than most of the other organic shapes in my collection, but seems to land on the string perfectly every time. This is also my first magnesium anything. I have a few titanium throws in my collection, but have been a bit hesitant to pick up a magnesium yoyo because of the way it can corrode. I figured I’d give this a shot and see how it fares.

Comes stock with the NSK concave bearing (played for about three hours, pulled, cleaned in acetone, then a tiny drop of V4M lube… runs dead silent on the string). Not sure about the stock response, they feel similar to the stock yoyofriends pads, which I’m not a fan of. I played the stock pads for a day or two and ended up switching them out for a pair of the Atmos X RSO Saturn pads, which have become my go-to. Prior to the Saturns, I was running the Rewind “Pro” green pads. The Saturn pads pair with the Mgska like they were made for each other. Snappy binds and no hang-ups.

It’s on the heavier side, at 65.7g, and you can feel it on the string, but doesn’t have that “brick at the end of a string” characteristic that some heavier throws unfortunately suffer… it’s still very lively and easy to whip around. I’ve had a ton of fun with this over the last week and will probably be keeping this little rocket for a while, in heavy rotation, with my Atmos Projects throws and Onedrop / Markmont shapes.



That’s a pity. Il’ll be avoiding this one then.

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