Tsunami Bomb tips? (and hello!)

Hey all!

This is my first post here. I enjoyed yoyo when i was a kid and now about 20 years later i’m back!

Quarantine has taken its toll on me, but instead of relapsing on alcohol or drugs, I turned to yoyo!

I am happy to be here, the people who operate the shop of this site are always very kind! I live with my cat, i make art, garden, yoyo, game, etc. I’ve always been single so I have to fill my time with hobbies haha.

Just wanted to say a little about myself as an intro I guess.

I was wondering if anyone has some good tips for learning the tsunami bomb? I found one video on youtube but he goes a little too fast for me!

So far the most advanced tricks ive learned are skin the gerbil and cold fusion. Theyre so much fun but i want to learn some more tricks that really show cool patterns in the strings!

Hopefully this wasnt too rambly/dumb. I hope you all are well and i have a nice time here :slight_smile:


youtube will actually let you slow the. video down to 1/4 speed if you need to . I use this quite frequently when trying to learn tricks.


Do you know magic drop and shockwave? Or are you skipping the fancier wrist mount?

Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear that yoyo is helping you through some challenges. It has been helpful for my mental health too!

Welcome to the forums and welcome back to Yoyo. I do art stuff too. You should post some of your stuff in the I Make Art thread.

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