Tryin to start a yo-yo club in the Dallas-fort worth area

One place I haven’t seen mentioned to check for hosting clubs is hobby shops, our club is hosted at a hobby shop and almost everyone I’ve been in has a room for game nights that isn’t used all the time, think hobby shops are usually a pretty good crossover audience as well


This is a great idea. People who come to hobby shops are looking for things to get into anyways.


This exactly, we have gotten a few members just from people who were window shopping always a good time when that happens

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Great points, I hadn’t considered that, thanks for the suggestion! I know in Colorado there’s a yoyo club around a hobby/yoyo shop down in Manitou Springs that I loved going to when we’d go there for my dad’s work trips years ago. Great idea!


I totally forgot about hobby shops. I gotta see if there are any around my area. I totally forgot about this bookstore in my old neighborhood I used to frequent. I’m real tight with the owners and I don’t think they would mind us operating out of their spot. I’ll talk to them and see what’s up.


Library is a great idea. I’m starting a club in my area, i was looking for a venue for a while (that wouldn’t charge me) finally asked my library and they have a huge room with high ceilings that they use for clubs and events. Im hoping to get into the schedule in the next month or so and then I’ll have a monthly spot. (The Library has thier activities set up 6 months ahead otherwise they would have given me the room right away.
They also will post the club on the news letter and website so the whole community will hear about it (specifically parents looking for activities to get those kids into).


Hey all got some updates! I talked with the Flower Mound library where I live to clarify their group requirements for reserving rooms and they seemed open to having us host club meetings there, so I’ll be filling out a request for that and will keep y’all posted on how that goes. I have not heard back from Grapevine Library yet, so I’ll give them a call at lunch time today to see where we’re at there. A neighbor of mine also has a venue at his business that we could potentially use in Southlake so we have options! It’s exciting to see this actually becoming a reality!


Filling out the form for the library it asks us to put in dates/times that we want to reserve. We can only reserve a max of 30 days out, and here are some ideas on times/locations. Let me know what works best for you. I intend to put in the request today for Flower Mound Library and will let you know if they approve it or not once I hear back!

  • Yo Yo Club Meet Dates/Times
  • Saturday 11/11/2023 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Flower Mound Library)
  • Saturday 11/11/2023 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Flower Mound Library)
  • Date and time TBD (Grapevine Public Library)
  • Other (please respond with other locations or times that work better for you)
0 voters

Mark your calendars, we’ve got the location! They approved the request for 11/11/2023 from 1:00-3:00pm at the Flower Mound public library in their program room, which is their larger meeting room. I’ll be there a bit early to make sure things are in order but I’m super excited!

For future meets, I’ll make sure to put out a poll sooner and get the date finalized together but I wanted to get it in today so that they remembered the conversation we had today. It’s been challenging to find a location and I really didn’t want to lose the momentum on this one. I will still reach out to Grapevine library to follow up and would be open to other locations for other meets but I’m really excited to get things going! Please do let people know if you are aware of other yoyo players that would like to come to an in person meet. Here’s to reviving Lone Star Spinners!


This is awesome!! I’m sure it’ll turn out great!! Way to take initiative and get things done. :smiley::+1:

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Thanks Steve! I appreciate the kind words!


Hey all! Just wanted to send out a reminder about our upcoming meet! Tell your friends that are into yoyoing and let’s have a good time actually getting the group going again! Excited to meet y’all!

Location: Flower Mound Public Library Program Room
Date: 11/11/2023
Time: 1:00-3:00 pm


I hope you’re able to not only revitalize the group but hope you can attract some back who used to be in the group before.


Thanks Steve! That’s the goal!


Hey all, just wanted to send out a reminder that our first yoyo meet in a few years is this Saturday at the Flower Mound Library program room! Who all can make it? I’ll be there a few minutes early to setup and find the room. Hope to see y’all there!


Today’s the day! See y’all at 1:00!


Thanks @Mazdarx7FD for coming out and throwing today! It was a lot of fun getting to know you and throwing some great tricks and yoyos together! Excited to see this group get started again and looking forward to seeing it grow! Videos from today’s meet coming later today or tomorrow!


Awesomeness!!! Sorry I couldn’t make it. I had some stuff come up. I gotta make the next on.

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I’d love to make it out there for a meet some day! I’m in the Longview/Tyler area so only an hour or two away :smile:

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No worries man, we’d love to see you at the next one!