This is my first review so comments and questions are greatly appreciated. If I missed out on anything feel free to contact me about any questions you may have.
Here is my review of Hadoe’s string. He was kind enough to send me 5 different blends and I will do my best here to give you my unbiased and honest opinion on each of them. I tested every string using a stock Protostar.
At first look, it is quite thin. I would describe it as in between Alchemy and standard poly. After slipping it on my yoyo, I started to test its potential. Whips are fast. Once again, the step in between Alchemy and poly. It won’t slip off your finger like Alchemy will, but it will whip fast. It holds tension just fine. Nothing to commend about it, but it doesn’t lose it right away. Slacks are great. All in all a great piece of string.
For this, picture 112, but more Alchemy-like. Once again, wont slip off your finger. Whips and slacks are great. I am not a fan of Alchemy so I did not really like the thinness of this particular string.
This feels very similar to, 123 but a bit slower. Whips amazing, slacks great. Holds tension just fine. A great string all in all.
I would call this 221 but slightly softer and thicker. If you like poly more than Alchemy go for this. Plays a lot like 112, slightly thinner. I would call it a medium between 112 and 123.
This stuff is by far my favorite. Fast whips while not being too thin. Great feel, holds tension. Great slacks. Picture an upgraded 112.
All in all I really liked each and every one of these strings. Definitely a great upgrade from standard poly or Alchemy. Each one plays a bit different; don’t hesitate to try ‘em all. Or just a few. You will not be disappointed.
Thank you for reading my review.