Trow Hand Finger

hey guys my middle finger is so sore at the end of the day. Ive seen people put like tape or something on their finger i just didn`t know for sure.

you could use this : http://■■■■■■■■.com/yomegayoyotape.html

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Or Gloves.

Medical Tape works just fine.

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or nothing, ive got a callous on my throw hand middle finger and cant feel a thing anymore. it will take time to build up but its worth it, just bear with the pain for a bit

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Yes, just try playing 2A, it takes a shorter time to build up a callous on your finger, although it will hurt more.

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Yup, after you play for a while the skin there will harden, forming a callouse. Then you won’t really feel any pain there.

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