Geez I didn’t even realize you guys were talking about the Surveillance HPF until you pointed it out. Makes a lot more sense now!
Few and Far Between Inception.
It’s hands down the best yo-yo I have ever played with. It’s the goat.
I’ll rep for the Paladin, I just got it on Monday, and damn am I in love. I also have the Surveillance, Peregrine, and others mentioned here, and the Paladin has been my favorite. Plays light and fast, smooth as all hell and snappy binds.
Thanks! How does the Paladin’s weight-feel and binds compare to the Peregrine?
I swapped the pads for YYR pads as soon as I got it, but they’re tighter than the Peregrine’s bind. Feels about the same weight during play, but is a gram heavier.
I just skimmed this, but i’m surprised at some of the recommendations like Surveillance and Inception. I dont find those to play ‘light’ at all. I think the Converge checks all your boxes though, sounds like exactly what you’re looking for if you can find one.
The Converge looks like it could be it. I think YYE has the gap width at over 4.7mm though. Does this suggest it may not pair the best with normal thickness strings?
Our gap width measurement is not as precise as other measurements. @MarkD can probably get you a more exact gap width.
That said, I don’t think a thicker string is necessary really. I have OG Kitty Fat on mine and it feels just right. I have used thicker Ka-Pow with it and thought it was a little snaggy on certain elements
That’s really helpful, thanks! Definitely actively considering the Converge now.
To clarify, I am not referring to the Surveillance HPF in my post. If I were referring to it, then I would have mentioned the Surveillance HPF. I don’t even have a Surveillance HPF and have never played with one. (I’ll have one soon though!)
In terms of weight the Spright feels just a bit lighter than the Hummingbird and of course it’s far more manoeuvrable than the Hummingbird. It doesn’t really have the floaty quality that most would associate with light throws though, thanks to it’s massive rims providing a ton of power (the Hummingbird isn’t really floaty either).
Yeah it kinda does. It has far more power, spin time and stability than the Float and as mentioned above, it also feels a bit more weighty on the string than the Float and is slightly wider as well.
The converge was designed with a 4.6mm wide gap.
Thank you! This thread has been a super wealth of information. In case this is helpful, I’ve tried to put together all your collective assessments in terms of weight-feel, shape, width and binds.
I put a little circle around what my sweet spot is, but yours may differ. Hopefully some of you can use this to find where your sweet spot is.
It looks like the 2 closest yoyos are: Asteria Star Trail and Converge! (already have the Krown Ti and it’s not a bimetal)
That said, I do wonder if the Converge will provide the snappy binds I’m looking for given its wider gap width. And I’m in woeful need of more perspectives if anyone else has the Asteria Star Trail. It has a profile that looks a little more rounded (comfortable?)
Updated the picture, the last one was put together in a hurry. This seems a bit more helpful now. Let me know if I’ve missed anything or if you disagree with anything!
It feels good to be back on the hunt…
I think the Surveillance HPF should be a Surveillance instead.
They seem very very similar though, at least on those two dimensions right? If the newer Surveillance weighs 65g that puts its specs almost identical to the HPF.
In terms of its dimensions, yeah they’re very similar. But on the string, I don’t think they’re similar at all. The Surveillance HPF was designed for 3A and is based on the 44RPM Oscillator, whereas the Surveillance is an original design created by Daiki. The shape is quite different as well and it is not as hard of an H-shape compared to the Surveillance. From what I have heard, the Surveillance HPF actually plays more weighty than the original Surveillance despite being lighter, so yeah.
By dimensions, I meant weight-feel and width, so certainly not just the specs. I appreciate you pointing out that the HPF may play different from the regular version. As you say, it’s hearsay at the moment. I’d love to update the chart if anyone has had the opportunity to play with and compare the two!
Ah I see. I think @zslane would be best suited to compare them as he has both yoyos.
We have our 2022 flagship coming up that fits your description. However it will be still almost a month till it’s launch. It is our fastest yoyo yet.
What are the specs?