Tricks you dislike Intensely?

the bind


It is not that I cannot do the breakaway it is just that it feels weird to me for some reason.

I also just dont like complicated tech tricks they just dont flow enough for me i guess.

I don’t like under the leg tricks. They look goofy and often make tricks just look worse while having no reason to them besides slightly modifying difficulty to try to get them to click more in a comp. Okay well DKim has some cool ones. But I die a bit inside whenever I see an under the leg brent stole like, the trick just looks better if it’s not under the leg. I got more tricks I could complain about but far and away I dislike under the leg stuff the most.


I have a love hate with boingy boing. It looks very cool, but I’ve only successfully “boinged” like twice, and I just cannot get the timing right. It frustrates me because I’m a drummer too, so I went into like “oh this’ll be a piece of cake”
Dead. Effin. Wrong. I can’t for the life of me get it right :rofl:

I can Eli hop, I can boomerang, I can barrel roll and kinda nado Kando, these all feel like somewhat similar elements, but nope!


I agree with that they do look kina goofy.

now that im finally getting consistent with kwyjibo, boingy is my new nemesis


beefhook. i just hate it.


I’ve just been skinning gerbils over here for a week or two lol.


walk the dog
around the world
mouth stole
ear tricks
neck wrist mount rejections
iwasawa rejections
and many more


Not a fun trick. Can’t seem to get it consistent at all. Very satisfying to hit though!

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3.0 makes my arms so sore tho :sob:

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Lol they’re so so fun. Funny how we all have different preferences for tricks we enjoy. I was complaining about leg tricks earlier in the thread and I’m sure some ppl love them. Hah! Yoyo is cool lol

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I agree with you about the leg stricks.

Teeth/bite stole, it is so evil and it always makes my string wet and hurts my teeth

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Body tricks and horizontal tricks of all types. They just look like they take too much effort. I want to chill and relax when i throw, not for my heart rate to increase. I just like normal, in front of you, dense tech tricks.


Probably tension hooks cuz they’re mad inconsistent but daaaang they look to good to not waste hundreds of hours on haha