tricks from my book

Can’t figure out tricks from my book, and I would like some help please.

  1. Texas Star

  2. Rock The Baby in the Eiffel Tower

  3. Barrel Rolls (not Atomic Bomb)

Which book, sound old school to me, I know rock the baby in the eiffel tower

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Here’s a Barrel Rolls tutorial:

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Barrel Rolls is Atomic Bomb.  There is no other Barrel Rolls trick unless you’re doing 4A

Are you sure? I’m pretty sure in one of my old yoyo DVD’s (I lost it so I can’t check) Atomic Bomb and Barrel Rolls are two different tricks. They both use Split Bottom Mount, but Barrel Rolls is a repeater trick, and Atomic Bomb is a combo with a beginning and an end. Unless I’m getting Atomic Bomb mixed up with something else, which is entirely possible. lol

You’re probably mixing up atomic bomb with split the atom.

Atomic bomb and barrel rolls are definitely the same trick ^^

Yeah, Barrel Rolls and Atomic Bomb are the same tricks. Maybe Elendil is right and you’re thinking about Split the Atom.

um… ok… so the way andre teaches it (and the way a lot of people see it) differs from the what i learned (which incidentally came from vids of dale o., which i’m inclined to go with - love you andre). atom bomb/atom smasher is NOT the same as barrel rolls.

historically, split the atom IS essentially the same as atom bomb/atom smasher, but from a front mount. ironically, the trick known as ‘split the atom’ on ladder lists is really ‘atom bomb’. i kind of understand people using those terms interchangeably, since the only difference is the mount and one underpass.

split the atom goes front-mount, string split, underpass, somersault, dismount.
atom bomb/atom smasher is the same thing but begins with a split bottom mount and so has an extra underpass.
barrel rolls is a repeating trick (from really any frontstyle or sidestyle mount - usually split bottom) that is TOTALLY different (although you can certainly link barrel rolls into atom smasher).

sector_y archive agrees:
barrel rolls:
split the atom:
atom bomb/atom smasher:

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