Trick/Combo w/ Every Throw

The autoreturn portion of the Brain design would make that super tough lol


Oh man you can hear the vibe on that MMC lol. Awesome story about it too tbh

It’s a good yoyo with a large diameter. The trick I’m doing is from a tutorial made by Paul Kerbel. It’s a regen where you catch the yoyo in your weak hand and throw it with your weak hand. It’s so untypical for 1A which is what I like about this trick.


Paul Kerbel easily one of the top 3 most stylish yoyo players of all time. His tricks all just look so cool. This is prob my favorite trick of his that I know.

I really wanna learn his corkscrew trick, but I’m too bad at both fingerspins and horizontal to get it down yet.


Wow, those knee tricks are stylish.

I tried to learn it like one or two years ago and I failed

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Super cool trick!

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Yomega raider today… This one actually has a bearing :rofl:.



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Man boingy boing on a fireball yesterday and eli hops on a raider today, mad props for these two.


Thank you @mable :purple_heart:

Lol I didn’t know you have so many old school throws. I agree with what mable said, great technique

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Drip Drop Yoyo
This yoyo is made out of recycled plastic. It has a small bearing and a starburst response system. It is also a weed grinder. The yoyo has two caps that are held in place by magnets. One cap has the grinder beneath it and the other cap has an empty space beneath it where you can put stuff in.


Ummm, where can you potentially get one, say if my brothers friends cousins sister wanted one? Asking for a friend.

Edit: I just looked up the name like I shoulda done in the first place, my brothers friends cousins sister will be ordering one today

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday guys, forgot I had the day planned with my lady and I didn’t have time. I need to record multiple so I have a few ready just incase lol

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Thats so cool


Kamikaze with the Recess first base today. I remember when I learned this trick I thought I was so good at yoyoing haha.


Putting on dark clothes and spending too much time trying to hit something clean while filming every day is getting to be a bit much after like two weeks straight. :pensive: I’m kinda burning out, I’ve still got a ton of tricks, but it’d just take too much time to land what I want, so I’m gonna take a break.

This is an easy trick for me, but I wanted to use the second bind, but I just couldn’t land that bind at the end of this trick. I spent like an hour on it, but spending an hour trying to film this is just too much when I’d rather be doing other yoyo stuff in the day. My yoyo just never had enough spin after doing the trick to manage a finger grind into talon grind bind.

Using an Unknown Freyja, my old reliable.


I know the feeling of burning out! That’s why I started with basic tricks that advance with each new yoyo


You’ve been crushing it on this challenge tbh, inspiring trick depth. Making me want to participate lol, but the every day thing seems like a lot. Gonna jump in at my own pace, cuz I love the trick sharing and hearing about why people own the yoyos they do.