Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

Man this gdmfpos slack. This is as close as I can get. I like it, though!


You are doing it right, but you have to keep your hands apart and let the string slip from your fingers. If you are moving your nth to your th, you will take the slack’s power, and it won’t fly off. You can give the slack more power if you move your nth slightly away from your th the moment the yoyo goes over your nth.


Weeks 44, 45, 48, 49, and 50 in order. Playing 1A just hasn’t been fun for me for a while now, outside of weird 1A frontstyle kick I was on for a bit.


This helped me so much. Thanks dude! It’s not exactly clean but…


So sick! Glad i could help :partying_face:


Seeing you do it like this reaaally helped me understand that last motion and I hit it finally. Thank you!


Throwing it back to Week #3. This was fun!



trick pending


#50 awww yiss, love me a good eos trick:


I totally planned on tying this element into another trick, but once I landed it I totally spaced out and forgot what I was doing :woozy_face:.


Catching up.




Week 51 - Toru Miyazaki Flip Triangle

It’s the penultimate week of the thread, so I wanted to have just something a bit meatier and cooler. I’m normally not a fan of triangles just for the sake of triangles, but I thought this trick was very good and there’s two solid tutorials for it. This is a bit more of an intermediate to advanced trick, but it’s short and the individual pieces of this trick are relatively simple.

I haven’t actually learned any Toru tricks before so I was personally eager to actually sit down and learn this.

This tutorial is spoken and goes in depth enough that anybody should be able to get this trick down with a bit of practice.

For those of you who prefer learning with just seeing the trick and don’t mind a bit of crusty video feed, here’s a silent tutorial that’s straight to the point. This channel also has some great other tutorials if you’re looking for more tricks to learn in 2024.


Still need a lot of practice on this to get the slack flip into suicide to look proper, but this trick is really cool imo. Starting off in a gorilla mount feels unique too.


Still kinda working on this, changed some execution around and it’s a lot easier but still need to work on the GT. I feel like the reason Toru and both of the tutorials opt to grab the GT over catch it within the loop as a suicide proper is because you really can’t open up that slack if you want it to go around properly.

So you have to choose if you either want to open up the GT so you can do a proper suicide catch, at the cost of losing the visual appeal of the slack flip. Or keep the GT closed so it’s just long slacky string segment that flips around in a cool way, but this makes catching the GT with just a single finger in the loop unreasonably difficult (to the point where not even Toru opts to do it like this).

I’m moving my TH too much as I go around the yoyo in this clip and that’s what kills the length of the slack for me, but I think this is much closer than my last clip.


Been a while since I’ve participated but I’ve actually had some free time lately and Magic Drop Syndrome is a BLAST!



Here‘s my take:

It needs some more polishing, but it’s okay to post. Catching the GT directly is possible, especially with the NTH thumb, but I didn‘t grind this to get it.

I have to say, both tutorials are less than ideal. The first is more talking and noodling than demonstrating and teaching. Especially the dreaded underpass. He identifies this step as tricky but does not explain what needs to happen and why it’s failing so frequently.

The second one is straight to the point, but poor resolution and crucial steps in the first person perspective are blocked by the hands.

For anyone struggling with the underpass, here’s what needs to happen: Make sure all three segments do the underpass and hit the gap.

The reason why this fails frequently is slack in the segment that is close to the finger loop (indicated in turquoise). The slack causes the segment to miss the underpass. A way to prevent this is to move your TH underneath your NTH before initiating the underpass. That removes some of the slack in the segment allowing it to stay in the gap.


I feel the same about the tuts. Thanks for the graphics and sick clip :fire:


Thanks for posting this, it was very helpful!


Nice work and thank you! I’m struggling with the underpass.

Also, new drinking game: every time the person in the first tut says ‘chopstick’ or ‘simply,’ you take a shot.

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This helps a lot. I agree with your take on the tutorials. I felt like the first tut was pretty poor at explaining all the steps despite it being a spoken tutorial. And I spent like half an hour trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with the underpass and couldn’t figure it out even though I knew it shouldn’t be that difficult.

The most frustrating part of learning tricks imo is when you know an element shouldn’t be that difficult but you just conceptually can’t figure out what you’re supposed to do so it just feels like you’re wasting so much more time than you should be.