Trick-a-Week 2023 - #52 - Control Workshop

Yes, the problem is that everything happens too fast to really grasp what is going wrong. And once you’re in the wrong result, you cannot easily go back.

Yo learned it this morning. I probably won’t go through the effort of smoothing it out and getting the last slack totally down and into one clean motion. I just got too many tricks to work on and am happy to get the trick where it is. I do like the way the Yoyo scoops up the slack in the opening and will try to incorporate that when I’m playing 1a and vibing. Imma go play 3a now hah!


I am not sure if i like this one… Maybe i have to do it some more.


Here‘s a cleaned up version, also with a direct catch.


I name this video submission: CLOSE ENOUGH.

*spot the nod to the amount of times the tut mentioned chopsticks.


I’m with you @ProbablyNotBadRawb, this is going to have to be good enough for now…


Week #52 - Trick-a-Week THE FINAL - Akitoshi Tokubuchi Control Workshop

So here’s the final week of 2023. It’s been a really interesting year to say the least.

I’d really like to thank everybody who participated in the thread this year, seeing people push themselves to learn new tricks and level up their skills is super cool. And for the people just along for the ride, I hope you at least enjoyed some of the tricks this year.

The participation really was exciting. This year’s thread had by far the most activity since the original 2020 thread. Sometimes the forums can feel a little sparse for trick-oriented content, but this thread is what got me to want to start improving at yoyo in late 2021, and I’m glad I could run it for a while to hopefully give others the same experience I had.

I have no plans to continue the thread in 2024, since I’m really just wanting to go in my own direction with yoyoing. Other people are more than welcome to take up the mantle, but for now I’m too disinterested in learning other people’s 1A tricks. I’d rather focus on making my own tricks or play other styles. Running the TaW thread in its ideal form is a lot more effort than just dumping a tutorial in here every week.

So as the final week of 2023, I’m picking something a bit different. Consider this to just be a long term goal to keep pecking away at. Here’s a playlist of Akitoshi Tokubuchi’s control exercises. If you want to level up the presentation and execution of your yoyo tricks, a lot of the information in these tutorials will be invaluable to practice.

Here’s to wishing you all a fruitful yoyo journey into the extended future, thank you so much for joining me this year!


Thank you @mable, @GTDropKnot and everyone else for making TaW a reality. Happy New Year to all!




I feel you @mable. Well done and thanks for hosting the year!


Thank you @mable and @GTDropKnot for all your hard work! I can genuinely say you’ve helped me become a better yoyo and made me feel like just because something looks (and is) difficult, I shouldn’t shy away from at least trying it.

And thanks to everyone else who has jumped in and provided pointers and feedback. You all rock. :heart:


@mable and @GTDropKnot are cool and goated and pog. That is all. :saluting_face:


Will there be a new ToW thread for 2024 ?? I wanted to challenge myself to participate this year