Trading adventures!

Have you kept track of your trading? I have a list of all my trades and purchases from when I started! Try to make you own to see what you have done!

From the beginning!

Bought proyo
Bought speed beetle and throw monkey
Bought wooly marmot
Bought arctic circle
Traded wooly marmot for g5, fiesta xx, and protostar
Traded arctic circle for code two, dingo, and $20
Traded code two for yeah three and decapod.
Sold g5 for $65
Bought cascade with money from sold yoyos.
Traded dingo for loop 900 pair
Traded cascade for FG canvas and protostar
Traded FG canvas for leviathan 3
Received chief as a gift
Traded yeah three for phenom
Traded phenom and leviathan three for chief
Traded loop 900 pair for yuuksta and fiesta xx
Traded chief for dv888, addiction, whip, dibase, yeah three, and classic.
Traded astrojax(was a gift) and protostar for raptor, metropolis, maverick and whip
Traded whip, maverick, and protostar for severe and speed team.
Traded decapod for dibase and $30
Traded yeah three and dv888 for DIETZ, new breed, and classic.
Traded chief for htc evo, Nessie, raptor, kick side, whip, and lube
Traded sphero(was a gift) and addiction for cascade.

Have: DIETZ, severe, dibase x2, speed team, Nessie, raptor x2, kick side, whip, new breed, classic x2, fiesta xx x2, and metropolis.

Total cost of yoyos bought:
Wooly marmot $95
Arctic circle $130
Throw monkey $20
Proyo $4
Speed beetle $10

Total of yoyos now.
severe $50
dibase x2 $60
speed team $20
Nessie $80
raptor x2 $40
kick side $5
whip $5
new breed $20
classic x2 $10
metropolis $20
Fiesta xx $15
Fiesta xx $15
Cascade $100
Pro yo$4
Throw monkey $18
Speed beetle $10
Worth $552
Cost $259
Net Gain $293
-$50 for shipping
Total gain $243

I am amazed by what I did with two yoyos, it’s crazy!

It’s like one of those “started with a paper clip ended with a house” stories

yeah, it’s pretty crazy. I’m not trying to boast or anything, I just wanted to see what other people have done.

This is not possible for me…

lol, now you get to see how I got that addiction. Also, $243 isn’t very good wages for a years work.

I traded my first yoyo to a friend. Theory for barely used PHENOMIZM.

I like to hold on to my throws. I get attached to them

I have to go backwards

C KLR=Irony GBA=Essence, No 9= $$$$$.
C Dietz=2x Unleashed, Halo=Protostar, Gift=888x (for 2x)= $$$$.
C 7075 Catalyst=Smooth Move, Asteroid=Ta-1, raw ministar, gift=cash and protostar–888x= $$$$.
C Octave 3 Delrin=I=PC’d M1= $$$$.
C Classic=Onestar= Store credit from defective Starlite.
C Wet Whistle=Widesport, Rhinoplasty=Gift, Fiesta xx= $$$$.

$$$$ OG punchline, B-grade yeah 3, M10, Evil-Yo $$$$.

Key $$$$=Purchased, C= Current collection.