I have one of these Atlantic Waves from Static Co. Its Mint in the box as I bought 2 to undo the half swap. I turns out that I like the half swap so I am selling my spare. This YOYO is fantastic and I play mine daily.
I will throw in the Whip with a similar Blue/Black half swap. Its set up responsive until you throw in a C bearing. I’m including this as well.
If you want to buy this yoyo please do not hesitate!
I’m gonna let this sit for a minute but if nobody else picks it up I will probably end up grabbing it. This is my favorite colorway I put together for the wave and is kinda the poster child for the yo-yo. I only kept one Atlantic so I wouldn’t mind adding another to my personal collection.
That being said, I have like 10 waves so I’d prefer if someone else got the chance to get their hands on it first haha.
Please don’t take offense, I’ve got 2 and mine wont ever leave. I thought about saving one for mint cause it will be a classic one day! Its just that there’s so much good stuff out there and my wife is starting to get a little annoyed with me.
No offense taken! I have no problem with people selling their waves, especially in this situation since it’s a duplicate. Thanks for the kind words.
I hear you on everything else, I have yo-yos scattered around every shelf/desk/dresser in my apartment. I even have a secret box of yo-yos I keep at work haha. My girlfriend has a good eye and can even recognize when I’m throwing something she hasn’t seen before. Gotta get a new case that I can hide in the closet lol.