Totally new kind of Swirl Ano

I finally figured out how to do a swirl ano, to get yours pm me or go here: or better yet; ask your favorite yoyo maker to anodize their next release in this style.


Whoa, those are incredible!

I’m kinda over all the new splashes and stuff.
incredible. Looks like a glass marble, amazing work. Very organic looking, not really the same but reminds me of the old erif wolff organic dye jobs for some reason. Amazing job!!

Thank you!

Organic is a good way to put it, my thoughts exactly. People have also said that it looks like Jupiter, but that is the first time I have heard a marble :slight_smile:

Eric Wolff stuff definitely reminds me of it.

holy crap man this is beautiful. it reminds me of the spectra stuff that Sweets Kendama does.

Wood grain is another thing that comes to mind.

It really looks like you did this using hydro-graphing techniques. If there wasn’t such a thing as a trade secret i would ask you how the heck you got it so dang persistent.

100% anodizing. But beyond that I have too much time in it. Your right “trade secret”. Thanks for not asking how I did it :slight_smile:

Oh I guess a redacted general overview wont hurt.

Dye is xxxxx on the xxxx like xxxxx and the part is xxxxxx xxxx it, then right before your eyes you get a work of art.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Seriously, it is a simple process in theory though and I hate to give it away since it took quite a few hours to get to this point.

it’s like marbeling paper or whatever it’s called when you make paper look like that.

EDIT: like this:


DOUBLE EDIT: this is what I was talking about by the sweets kendama spectra thing (it’s wood grain):


thats exactly what I thought when I saw the 5 color swirl on that summit on your site!

Didn’t even realize you were gruntbull at first! I remember when people used to throw down on getting a bunch of yoyo’s done by you guys. I’d totally be into doing that with that 5 color swirl if other people were interested!

Yes that is the basic idea, but the details are complicated. And remember this is not paint, its anodizing.

Were you the one who anodized the hulk smash peaks?

That was me.

Nice. I love my peak. It’s crazy how far you’ve come in 10 years. :slight_smile:

Thanks Seth, it’s been by the grace of God!

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I want to see this in a tie die like colorway… please give me some eyecandy gruntbull…

I’m not claiming to know anything about annodization! You’re an innovator, and humble, too. you can’t beat that.

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Thank you Owen :slight_smile:

Altec: A tie dye pattern would not be possible although the colors would be.

How much time does the entire process of making one of these take?