Top 5 competition bimetals?

If a yoyo performs well, that makes it fun to me. I always failed to see how a yoyo that goes through all your tricks well could be boring.

I think if a good competition yoyo feels boring to you, the tricks you’re doing are probably boring, not the yoyo.

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Way to misquote me bro. I literally said all yoyos are fun, meaning I don’t think competition throws are boring to throw. I always gravitate to the car analogy, but im going to do it again. A high performance racing sports car is great for racing, but not so much for legal driving, and terrible for stop and go commuting. Casual yoyoing is all about doing tricks that you have already mastered but doing it with style, and a “fun” yoyo, while not performance optimized, has feels to it that makes landing those “simple” tricks satisfying. What I am trying to say is that when people say “fun yoyo” they mean one that is just for fun, casual play. It would probably be more appropriate to call them “casual” yoyos, but people aren’t doing that yet.

Anyways, back on topic. Here are my favorite competition bi-metals:

  • YYF Butter (Bi-metal Shutter)
  • YYF 1.5 Edge

And for competition that is all I have. I don’t have a Hummingbird or a Draupnir to compare to, but these are my go-to bi-metal performers. Id have a longer list if I could include monometals though, as I don’t think bi-metal is automatically better.


My apologies. I’m sure I just misunderstood the point you were getting across.

But whether you were actually part of the school of thought I was referring to or not, many people on the forum are, so I think what I posted is worth throwing out there anyway.

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a-RT UnNamed and never the bi-shutter

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Mt favorite bimetals are the Marco and the Space cadet