Top 5 competition bimetals?

What are the top 5 bimetal yoyos for competition, and why? I mostly play with “fun” yoyos and only own the Hummingbird as far as competition stuff goes, but I’d like suggestions for more performance-oriented stuff moving forward.


News flash: performance-oriented yoyos are also fun. :roll_eyes:


You’re gonna get a million different answers; there are a ton of competition-oriented throws on the market right now.

Im not a competitor and don’t really have a list but a few jump out at me:

Grasshopper GTX
Draupnir and OD Draupnir (haven’t touched either but that name is synonymous with competition design)
I also really fancy the Meerkat

Edit: truthfully, though, if we’re discussing performance/competition throws, there’s no reason to limit this to bimetals. Plenty of monometals like the Shutter Wide Angle, ND, and VTWO see action in competitions.


I really like the Motive from SF. I own a Hummingbird too and they feel different. Definitely worth it.

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Compete with the same yoyos you practice with.

That said, I really like the Draupnir and Anubis. Start the Riot is a banger considering you can get them so cheap. The Unspoken Artemis is stupidly powerful too. There are loads out there, you just gotta try some


The BiND is really good and has been forgotten. These are also in stock


When I want to play with something more competitive, I’ll play with one of my death adders


I know that this is a gripe of yours, but simply put, “fun” yoyos mean casual and not performance oriented. Some yoyos are just for fun, others are made for the best of performance. Of course all yoyos are fun to play with, but calling a yoyo “fun” is just a way to designate the difference between it and one that is designed for optimal performance.


I feel this way also


For real. The biND is stupid good.


The two words do not mean the same thing; they are not equivalent. People should stop talking/writing as though they are, because the (sometimes unintended) implication is misleading (and invalid). It sends the wrong–if not confusing–message to the uninitiated. I should know; I was one of the uninitiated not that long ago and I found this false equivalency confounding. Still do, actually. :confounded:

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This is all subjective. No one can tell you how to perceive the essence of a yoyo and you can’t do the same to someone else. Calling a yoyo fun is like saying food tastes good. Salad can taste good but it’s not usually the first thing I think of when looking for food that tastes good to me. Competition oriented yoyos are not the first thing I think of when I want to reach for a “fun” yoyo. I usually reach for something organic (typically more laid back and casual). This is all how I perceive things.

It’s not wrong/misleading/invalid just as the way you perceive a yoyo is not wrong/misleading/invalid. What IS wrong/misleading/invalid is when you tell someone that the way they perceive a yoyo is wrong/misleading/invalid.


Haymaker is great, HummingBird is also great, so is the Bliss, and the Statement.

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I’m not telling anyone how to perceive anything. I’m strongly pleading that people choose their words more carefully when they express their perceptions. Most of the time, it seems, they don’t actually mean to imply that performance throws aren’t fun, but vocabulary and grammar fail steps in and that’s what they end up saying anyway.

As for the question at hand, I don’t compete so I’m not qualified to answer.

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Most yoyos are fun. They are toys, after all. However, within the yoyo community it’s “fun” relative to other throws. (IE. an A-rt grail is more of a yoyo for casual play while a draupnir was made specifically with competition in mind) I see it as slang, like how saying something is “cool” doesn’t mean they are cold. Additionally, there isn’t really a reason to put a stop to terminology like that. But who cares? It means different things to different people, and we should respect that.


from what I’ve heard and played with here’s my list

  1. bi-metal shutter
  2. SStatment
  3. grasshopper GTX
  4. statment
  5. bind

That’s why I said “fun.” I find my hummingbird to be incredibly fun, but competition yoyos are fun in a different way. A lot of the early draupnir challengers felt like machines, which I don’t think is fun. No need to be snarky about it

Maybe we should start using a trigger warning whenever the word fun is used on these forums. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes it’s honestly necessary. I don’t think people realize that its not derogatory towards any yoyos