"together" astrojax} video in the link below


Sweet moves with the 'jax! What model are those? Not familiar with those ones. (I have several sets)

they are the new mx series mx sport to be exact. Its good to know that there is an jaxer in a yoyo community. :slight_smile: :wink: :smiley:

The Jax rock! My daughter loves them.too. I am always trying to.spread the love of jax and yo-yos. They are like cousins anyway!

Dude, can you make some tutorials? There aren’t that many out there and most are lousey. just saying, I would subscribe to that channel!

Rock on!

I didn’t know astrojax were still around haha Nice video tho.


I have a couple NIP sets if anyone is interested iin trading. Pm me ifs you like. Can send pics.

I am working on a martial arts influenced routine for the Jax … any suggestions? When its done I will post it in this thread.