TMBR x Ed Haponik x YoYoExpert present the EH 2019 - SPECTRA!

From what I understand, he didn’t want his signature to be as limited as it has been in the past. The limit is due to the time it takes to turn these all by hand including the defective ones that don’t make it to market. He said more are coming, but when they’re finished, they have to be shipped to the engravers and then finally to YYE and uploaded. When that happens, Collin, Ed and Andre tend to post on their respective instagrams and stories the date and time they will be released. Special releases like this usually get a countdown timer of about 48 hours. It’s usually so little (from my understanding), because they themselves have to deal with the uncertainty of the production time and the postal system. Once they receive them, they’re usually ready to sell them. They usually have just as little notice as we do. That’s the problem with outsourcing manufacturing (Not producing oneself) and small batches that plague the entire yo-yo industry. If it was a larger market, I believe these issues would be less prevalent. Luckily, people like Andre, Ed, and Collin care about their consumers and try to make things as available as possible. If you’re desperate for one, try talking to Andre and Garrett as it gets closer to release. I have found them to be very accommodating and they may be able to help securing one for you so you can get your treasured release.


Hey everyone! Sincere thanks (again) for the stoke and excitement regarding the eH. It’s always so amazing and gratifying that these yo-yos get the attention they do. I wish everybody could easily get them, but if that were the case Colin couldn’t make them the way he does which would totally change the entire attitude & story behind them.

Colin is working on another run of speHctras as we speak. Some of those will be the eHnknown and some will be like the most recent release. As soon as I know more about the timeline I will post here and on my instagram, and we will try to give interested parties more notice than we were able to last time. It means the world to me that these yo-yos have seen such a remarkable evolution these past 8 years, which has been the direct result of all of the support we’ve received. :pray:


Looks like they are on their way


Stoked for another chance. Was hoping the blue and purple wouldn’t be halfswapped this time, but I don’t think my prayers will be answered.

Anyone wanna do an UNhalfswap? I want a purple one.

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I actually thought this release was all reHnbow and eHnknown edition. Not sure whether it includes any yin-yeHng (though obv there’s one in the picture).


I need one of these in my life.


Just really hoping someone wants to give me $80+tax so I can snag two, matchy matchy, and send the blue one off.

I know you wanted the yin/yan type deal, but what made you land on blue and purple? (Just curious. I know it looks good, just not my cup of tea)

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I actually think the 2-tone pictured may be the only one in this run.

Andre and I went back and forth over the available spectra and what we thought would make for a good combo. I liked those two because they both had a gray/neutral stripe along with a color stripe. And I liked the blue/purple because they kind of evoked some hometown CLT pride as the Hornets’ colors. :slight_smile:

I love how it came out, although I can totally see how the black and rainbow versions have more universal appeal.


Only one!!?? @YoYoExpertGarrett can you confirm when they get to you? Trying to get that halfswap orchestrated, but I don’t want to get someone else’s hopes up if it’s not possible.

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I’ll keep an eye out for them. :eyes:



NICE!! Been waiting for a chance on this one. F5, F5, F5, F5, F5


I want to get a second of each if my paltry funds will allow me. These are my favorite wooden yo-yo’s by far. They play way too well to pass up on.


Dang leave some for the rest of us!


Will YYE be honoring the list they took for the eHknown?


Yes. Absolutely! :100:


Commendable. Do you think there will be some available after that list is honored?




ogod ogod ogod ogod I neeeeeeeeeed it.


I have a feeling that I’m going to miss the next drop too. I really want one of these.