Titaniums 😊

Did you say at one point (it may have been a year or two back at this point) that you feel the dream plays like the tiwalker?

yoyodoc; you are special with; or without a Ti-Walker


As well as…

The YYF Ti Dream is the Ti you should get if you can’t afford a Ti Walker🤓

Easier to find at a reasonable price and plays pretty much as good as anything.

When the Dream came out; it was an Amazing value in Ti yo-yos.


I second that. The Titanium Dream is one of the best titanium yo-yos out there. And, as yoyodoc said, you can get one for a reasonable price.

YYF makes some pretty good yo-yos, and I feel, they’re always pushing the envelope when it comes to yo-yo design. Their yo-yos might not be as sought after as yo-yos from other companies right now, but that has nothing to do with how well they perform. And I’m not saying this because I’m a fan. I buy from pretty much every company out there, and there are many companies that I like.

But I digress. Back to performance comparisons. I have to say, and this is just my personal opinion, that the Dream plays better than the Walker. Is it more fun to play with than the Walker? Perhaps, it’s a bit less fun. Yet the Walker feels more aggressive, makes me miss more often, and, in short, makes me upset more often, which takes away some of the fun.

Here’s a list of some of my favorite titaniums based on specific categories:

Best Undersized: TP Absinthe (my girlfriend described it as, “a shooting star,” while I was playing)
Most fun to play with: JT - Ribira and Frost, D Runner, VsNYYC - Ti Walker (but the Ribira tops everything else)
Underappreciated: Axis - Salti
Best Performance (normal sized yo-yos): There are several more in this category, but these ones come to mind right now, YYF - Ti Dream, 2sickyoyos - Castle, SF Yoyos - Ti Cadence, One Drop - Citizen.

And, yes, I realize that I have mentioned a lot of titaniums in my post. What can I say? I love titanium!


@_Z1 Had six B.S.P.'s at one time so I know what a nice pyramid looks like. I love my B.S.P.


This is a much less common activity now than it was years ago when you were more active.


That was a heck of a glorious time at one point. The BSP was such an amazing unique yoyo that I will treasure forever. The only Ti yoyo I own now though is the CLYW Tundra :slight_smile:


I must admit that I haven’t tried so many titanium yoys. But all those I tried were very heavy in the landing phase on the string.
In my opinion, this is due to the density of the material, it is a matter of inertia, masses and volumes, which unfortunately can not be overcome, if not by changing the material.
I would then like to say something in favor of aluminum.
There are many qualities of aluminum and in my opinion we have not yet used this material at 100% in yoyoing
The different qualities of aluminum are very different from each other.
For example, the 7075 is very dry and produces a high note and in processing it has long and tough shavings.
the anticorodal aluminum 6026 has a spongy sound and almost does not produce notes, the shavings are small and curled.
These qualities feel very much in the game.


I realized that in order to understand my concept of material and weight distribution, the best example is the 2A yoyo.
I don’t think there is a way to use aluminum to make a yoyo that is performed as a looper.
I say this, because I tried, with bad results.
2A yoyos are the best example to show where plastic is better than allow.


you probably haven’t tried it a ti-walker.
