Titanium Yo-Yo

Honestly for me it has nothing to do with performance or feel. For some reason 10 years ago after having a pacemaker implanted in my chest which as you would imagine is a cool little titanium box, I have been collecting titanium edc ever since. I have some cool titanium jewelry and I found a couple pair of Oakley titanium Juliet’s and various other items including titanium yoyos. I think the ti vayder is probably the best playing yoyo around. I just received the Alpine and it’s a fantastic yoyo. For me it’s all about that metal


Honestly yea, it’s awesome. Spins long, feels way lighter than I would have thought.

Idk if I’m about to go out and buy only TI but it’s really cool


Those Engraved Flat Cap SEs take it to the next level


I just discovered this one, and holy eff that thing sis beautiful. Alarms set!


Here to chime in about the Alpine. Got mine a few days ago, and this throw is fantastic. I was going to bump a previous thread where there was talk about the slight Ti-vibe where I mentioned that every Ti throw I have has just a slight amount of vibe more than Al throws (can’t find it), but I guess after buying 12+ Ti throws I finally found an exception. For the first time ive got a Ti yoyo that is absolutely dead smooth (this is my 3rd Luftverk btw). And by smooth, I mean Generalyo smooth, G2 smooth, no detectable fingernail vibe smooth, etc smooth. It isn’t that I doubted that Ti yoyos could be machined as smoothly as Al, it’s just that I haven’t experienced it and always expected a bit of A- grade fingernail vibe when it came to Ti yoyos.

As for performance/feel, it is mid-paced performance perfection that hits that sweet spot between a yoyo that has great feel and one that you can execute your hard tricks with (with a slight leaning towards fun/feel imo). It seems Jeffrey Pang and CLWY perfectly captured the fun of a CLWY with the precision of a Luftverk.


Beautiful write up, captures the feel perfectly

Mine definitely isn’t dead smooth, which I don’t mind as a little vibe never really bothered me.

What DOES kind of bother me is that they shipped with a Center Trac. At this price point I expect a higher-end bearing like a KK or NSK. But I’ve always hated CTs so I’m fairly biased :stuck_out_tongue:

But it’s a great yoyo, the midweight feels very CLYW-esque. It’s also shockingly comfortable in the hand which I didn’t expect based on the profile. For sure one of my faves.


Not much to add since previous posts cover my thoughts on Ti pretty well. But here’s an opinion: the 000 is pretty much the only Ti throw I’ve tried that is so perfect and different that there isn’t an Al throw that could replace it.


Plus it’s essentially completely round shape gives it one of the best and most pronounced *tings* when a whip or bind hits it; it’s basically a bell!


Titanium as far as I know is an overpriced novelty. There are some people who genuinely enjoy Titanium Yoyos, and think they are a worthy investment. There are positves in buying titaniums yoyos In my opinion the negatives outweigh the benefits. I say this for several reasons such as, 1. $300+ price tag is already a no for me no matter which yoyo. 2. There is the possibility that I may not like the Yoyo and have already spent $300+ on it. 3. I can’t name any cool benefits about the titanium yoyos(besides cool material) worth the price and the headache of my parents Lecturing me for 2 hours for my poor financial habits. That is just my take on it though. I have no problem with people who love titaniums and own some. I just personally think they are excessive.

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I would say this is the key to your statement. When you can financially afford a Ti Throw, they become useful and beneficial.

When you’re young and just starting out, there isn’t a benefit to a titanium at all.

When you yell at your kid’s friends to get off your lawn, and strain your back from throwing a Yo over 60g like I do… then a Ti make’s more sense. :laughing:




Regarding point 3, I sparked my TI crown and is still smooth as ever. I think this is a very cool benefit. Any aluminum yoyo would be destroyed after this treatment.
Ti yoyos last much longer. If you intend to keep a small number of yoyos for a very long time, instead of buying new yoyos indefinitely, ti is a good choice in my mind.


The sound ti yoyos make is also a cool benefit. Some can



Your view is more the result of your financial limitations and you’re living with your parents.

Titanium yo-yos are not novelty items.

$300 for a yo-yo seems like a big number when you can only deal with smaller number$.

The fear of buying a $300 and then not liking it? > That points more to meaning a/the yo-yo is out of your price range. There is Always a chance you may not end up liking any yo-yo you buy. That possibility of buyers remorse only increases when you are buying something beyond your means.

When you say that titanium yo-yos are overpriced… yes and no… Titanium is a harder material to machine. The machines have to be able to hold extremely close tolerance because the titanium can generate a greater potential for deflection. The titanium eats up tooling faster. Machining titanium is a slower process. Percentage of halves being ‘b’ grade, adds to batch cost.(example: 200 titanium halves cut. 120 ‘a’ grade usable= 60 yo-yos. 80 halves ‘rejects or ‘b’ grade= 40 dud to semi dud status). Start with root cost/final price per yo-yo after factoring in the cost/loss of all machined but unusable halves. Secondly, the cost added by the maker to allow profit at the direct sale level. If the seller is a wholesaler, then you go from root cost…… to wholesale cost…. To the additional markup the Vendor adds to make a profit over his wholesale expenditure. <No different than just about any other product/not just yo-yos. Etc…. Wrap your head around the following reality>>>

The price of a Titanium yo-yo is no necessarily justified because they may have Magical performance power. If you pay $500 for a Ti yo-yo, that does not mean it will play 5 times better than a $100 yo-yo. There seems to be an unfounded and unrealistic feeling that a Titanium yo-yo has to be better because it is more expensive. <> That performance follows price mindset is a poor unsupported view. Obviously a persons’ expectation would logically be that $$$ yo-yo has to have Dream level status. But that is far from being an ‘absolute’.

Also…. never(like in never ever) look at a yo-yo as an ‘investment’. Yo-yos are not investments. They are expenditures. Unless it is a one of one or something else crazy rare, you buy a yo-yo to throw and there is always a present danger of damaging your investment, completely ruining your ‘Investment’(:scream_cat:).

Parents? Giving you two hours of heat for bouncing high dollars for a yo-yo? Well, simple solution. Move out of your house…. Wait about 50 years, until both your parents drop dead on you. And then buy whatever you can afford.

There is nothing Magical about Ti yo-yos. They present just another adventure like any other good playing yo-yo. There is no rule that a person ever has to buy or even try a Titanium yo-yo.
…. And, some folks may actually suggest that Titanium yo-yos are way cool because they make nice sounds and such. I know you made no mention of that. But just to share info> I have at least 2 dozen Titanium yoyos(at least😂). Some are straight Ti. Some are Tiss. And they certainly aren’t All the same exact shape. Some don’t make any cool sounds at all.
….A Luftverk 000 for example, has a bell shape and fairly thin walls and sings like a soloist in a metal choir. There are some v shaped TI yo-yos like the Topyo Twin Drive with stainless rims that make ‘No’ sound at all.

Final note>> there is nothing wrong with being young. Or living with your parents. Or being on a budget. And, there is nothing wrong with having an opinion concerning Ti yo-yos , based on your current ‘living situation’.

But your Ti post is more a reflection based on your happenstance. And although it may be your current reality. It is not a general reality.

Titanium yo-yos are/can be an expensive proposition but not a necessary one.


I mean @yoyodoc is practically a modern day Shakespeare. Look how he delicately dropped a piano on the subject of parents dying. :rofl:


Reminds me of a lyric from RATM…“calm like a bomb”




Maybe you read that the wrong way>

…in the last 2 years, both of ‘my’ parents died, sadly.

My dad was 2 weeks short of 99. He grew up in a house with 2 brothers, 6 sisters and both parents. My dad would watch people stand in lines just to get a loaf of bread. My parents bought the house I grew up in, in 1954 for $12,000. I bought my first car when I was 16. A 1952 Chevy for $400($200 less than my Titanium Dazzler).

My dad had the depression era mentality. Don’t buy anything New that you can buy used or broken and fix. My brother and I use to build our own bicycles from various parts my dad would bring home while ‘junking’. That is how I started my modding career, lol. Fixing ‘things’.

My parents $12,000 house is now appraised at around $759, 000. Now, my brother and I own the house we grew up in.

If….if my dad ever knew how much I have spent on yo-yos, he would have DIED of a Heart attack years ago! He thought it was cool that I threw yo-yos. But only thought they cost a few dollars.

I have not had a tough life. I have never been on the verge of starving. I never had to look for food or wear hand me down clothes like some people in large poor families do.We did do Christmas every year but mostly got stuff we needed like pants, shoes, socks, etc.

I don’t read Shakespeare. I hope ch_yo-yos’ parents live forever.

My words were reality based. When you can afford to buy stuff. And you have no parents. And even if you did, you don’t live with them. And you are not on a budget. You can buy things without getting lectured for 2 hours.

I have at least $40,000 in yoyos. I love yo-yos. I am always 1 yoyo short of a full collection. I would not even consider myself at a medium skill level. No matter. I still have fun with yo-yos.

But if I could trade All my yo-yos to hang out with my parents for just 1 more day, I would do it in a heartbeat!

It’s all about perspective.


I totally get it. I wasn’t meaning it as an insult in anyway!

I lost my mother 3 years ago as well. Now I can only pray my health holds 50 more years so I can cherish them with my kids. :pray:

I was simply commenting on how nonchalantly it was phrased, no hate. :grinning:

However, when my wife comments on me buying a new throw, I’m going to show her your post and say… “Look! This guy has a way bigger collection than me! I swear I need another One Drop.” :rofl:


I love my Ti.

No I don’t play better, or notice significant differences that justify the cost.

But it feels cool, has a cool sound, and is neat to have. I had the disposable income, and it was worth it!

It’s also just as much fun as my $50 yo-yo or even my $20 replay. Because I just like yoyo’s!