May 22, 2014, 12:59am
I think people are veering away from the original intent. The OP doesn’t literally want to time a sleeper. He just wants his yoyo to spin longer during tricks.
When the string is loose around the yoyo, the bearing can spin and the string can all be unwound easily without the yoyo spinning, this often happens when using a responsive bearing. If the string is tightly bound to the yoyo, pulling the string will not result in it being unwound from the yoyo. Simple way to try this is to wrap the string around the yoyo by hand, and then pull on it without allowing the yoyo to spin. Then throw and bind the yoyo and try the same thing.
Logically, when you throw the yoyo, it is sped up both by your arm flicking it, and the fact that it is unwinding itself. If the bearing allows the string to come unwound without the yoyo spinning, you miss out on a lot of torque.
Oh ok I see you were just saying unresponsive yoyos are better
I actually did not realize that lol, I guess I better change what I said earlier I thought you were talking spin tests.
Considering what Andre can do with it, I think its safe to say it’s a fine yoyo.
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