So my Yuuksta and Supernova bearings got messed up, so I contacted YYF and they sent me some. And then when I fully put it in and heard a click, I started screwing it in, and I had to do it too tight, more than usual. So I tried the Center-Trac in my Yuuksta, and the same thing happened even though I fully put the bearing inside the bearing seat. But then I tried it, and it was super vibey (unlike before). And the same thing happened with my Supernova. So does anybody have any idea of what’s happening? And is there any way I can possibly fix this bad problem I have with the overtightening and the vibe with the new bearings? Thanks so much for your help in advance
Please someone?
Are you sure your over tightening. Just tighten the yoyo is assembled. Then throw, and see if you have vibe. If your not tightening the yoyo enough you will have vibe.
What I am saying is it has to be tightened way harder than before, and now it’s squeaking, and I’m screwing it really hard back, and it’s completely vibey, and it’s taking off the bearing seat finish.
this used to happen to me. I sanded the bearing seat down some, and it helped.
That sounds plausible if the yoyo is has settled into a funny groove you may need to sand the seat just a bit. Especially since YYF throws do put the bearing in fairly tight to begin with.
I don’t really want to do that. I just don’t want to put it at risk, and like to keep it the way it was at the most, is that really only the other way?
It sounds like a collision of tolerances. As d4rqk0n3 noted in another post things are machined to + or - tolerances. Quite possibly the bearing ID is a bit off in the - direction and the hubs off in the + direction resulting in an interference fit. The fact that the bearing seat is scuffing leads me to believe that is the case. The squeaking is also an indication of this. As suggested, sand the hub lightly. Probably some 300 grit wet/dry paper, used wet would work. It shouldn’t take much.
Omg the same thing happened to my Yuuksta! However I just unscrewed the axle, put in the bearing in came with and it’s fine now

Omg the same thing happened to my Yuuksta! However I just unscrewed the axle, put in the bearing in came with and it’s fine now
No but my bearing was messed up.
I’m trying to understand - you mean it gets hard to turn, before it’s all the way together? And this happened to both of them at the same time? Have you modified or changed them at all, or did this just suddenly start happening? You said both of the original bearings got messed up. How long had you had/been using them before that happened? I just think we should think this through before you start sanding a bearing seat, possibly creating a really pretty, really expensive paper weight…
Have Fun,