Thoughts on "Holding" BST yo-yo's

New years resolution, cut back on avocado toast? Reddits /r/antiwork is leaking again…

More like class consciousness is building again.


You gotta pull your yoyos up by the bootstraps!

I have been asked 1 time and it did not happen for reasonable reasons,
I have been asked again by another person we will see if it goes as planned.
I think it will.

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I don’t like the whole “hold” thing. Pretty annoying seeing a yoyo I might like to buy from someone but it’s “on hold” And I don’t even dink with the whole, “you’re next in line to buy it if this guy backs out” Nope, I don’t play that game.

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Yea not to be a jerk, but this is the definition of being middle class, NOT someone living paycheck to paycheck. I understand that you are trying to be fiscally responsible and live within a budget that you create for yourself, but paycheck to paycheck living does not involve being able to stash away ANY savings because all of it goes towards cost of living. Ive been there in the past, and it just sucks.

Back to the OT. I don’t sell my yoyos (yet). Ive done a few trades, and the worst thing ill say is “I can’t ship it for a few days because of work” because logistically I just couldn’t. But if I were to ever start selling, I don’t like it (the holding). Ive bought quite a few BST yoyos (many of you guys sold me one), and I feel like the only way to seal the deal is by paying for it straight up. Id really be put off by the extra attention id have to pay to someone to hold, pay half now half later, or whatever other reason why you can’t pay for something that is usually not that expensive in full (im not talking rare Ti or other 300+ stuff, but even then…). If you can’t afford to buy a toy straight up, you shouldn’t be buying it.

The only way id feel differently if it was someone in highschool years looking to buy a throw, but have to wait until the end of the week for their paycheck. In this case id probably feel bad, relate, and want them to have it. But for you full time jobbers, no thanks. Yoyo collecting can easily become an unhealthy addiction (like any hobby), and im not willing to facilitate it.


Yes, that’s why I said it might mean I’m not living check to check. I’m not adding to savings, I just got lucky with income tax to put enough aside in case an emergency happens.

Never said I had it bad, please reread at your leisure. I know I’m blessed and I realize it’s hard out there, trust me, I grew up in a busted trailer eating ramen growing up (and I was greatful then as I am now.)

Apologies again if something I said offended you, was not my intention.


No ill feelings man, truly. But being able to max out on a 401k and having months of savings is just not paycheck to paycheck. Im really glad that you were able to rise above what you used to live with, good job. It’s a tough life out there, and even if you aren’t poor now, you aren’t rich either. I live the same life. Cheers.


Same to you and thank you metal, much love brother :heart:


I feel like some people here are assuming we’re complaining and don’t appreciate what we have…and I don’t get that assumption at all.


My end all be all is, if I can help someone I will. If I’m not trying to make an immediate sale, and they ask for a day or two to pay, I’ll hold the yoyo. If they don’t pay? Oh well. I move on and keep trying to sell. If they do pay, awesome, I helped someone out. That’s what it comes down to for me. That being said, as I’ve mentioned before, if I need to sell something fast for cash I don’t do holds. I don’t want to make anyone feel bad for asking for a hold, they are allowed to ask, I may say yes, I may say no, but they shouldn’t feel bad for asking.


I make double that figure but I have 5 kids and my wife stays home… I wonder if this figure is household income? And some people make money so they can have nicer stuff. As long as kids are taken care of and my wife has the God-given “option” to stay home; I am happy! When we men force our wives to work so we can have more toys…. (I would say we are going too far at that point) I am all about some hobbies though :wink: you can’t take this money with you when you die. Yo-yo is a nice hobby to have with 5 kids!!!


Useless figure since it doesn’t take local living expenses in to account.


This has been accounted for.

The calculator estimates your equivalent income in 2011 in purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars – exchange rates adjusted for differences in the prices of goods and services across countries – and reports where you might have stood in the global income distribution in 2020.

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It’s based on household income.

What about 5 kids :joy:

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Hey man you have 5 kids with a SAHM. Forget the money, you’re richer than many millionaires.


One or two days no problem. It never hurts ask. But I’ve also been on the other side where someone approached me because they wanted to sell something I was looking for and before I could reply he sold it to someone else. I did eventually find what I was looking for, but I thought that was not cool.


Unfortunately, the consensus that I hoped would emerge is proving as elusive as American political-consensus.

I guess Doc summed it up best with “… it depends…”. :slight_smile:

Even internal to myself it depends.

Someone I’ve transacted with before or know who says “hey I’ll take it, I can pay you on Friday” I’ll say sure.

Someone I’ve never worked saying “can you hold it for me?” is a no.