Thoughts on fades?

people with faded ano, what is your thought on the color way. is it distracting, fun, interesting while spinning? considering for my next.

fade panorama where art thou?

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Fades are good, better than splash and crazy anno. (Suitable for unpopular opinions thread😘)
I’m a solids man all the way.

Fades… So you can see which way and how fast it’s moving very easily.
Only problem is it can create a strobe affect which can be off-putting. But that tends to happen with strong or contrasting colours.
Solid ftw.


They fade in and out of my favor.
Actually i have a thing for YYF fades. In general i prefer fades or some design over one solid color.


prefer a nice line-up with a straight razor and alcohol wipes… tight fades… might get the fsyb logo shaved in next time… :thinking:


I’m your guy for that Eric.


where i used to
live in boston, no
joke, about 8 barber shops i could
hit with a rock. but i have really-really fine white people hair, so i’d go in and have to ask “y’all cut white people hair? y’all cut white people hair” cuz no joke, i’d had been an aveeda school
for 3 hours before them
trying to cut me up - it’s NOT easy to cut my hair and not make me look like dan akroyd in coneheads… it’s scissor-cut hair mostly lol

but, i found two or three places i could always count on - one on fridays - cats be waiting 2 hours line ups. there was another spot i usually went to though - and i think the one dude actually cutting my hair one time was
an apprentice, so
the main barber - he’s trying to explain to the guy how to cut my hair with the clippers and all - and i’m
being patient and cool, b/c i know how hard it is. my mother had been visiting too, i think the first time i’d seen her in ten years or something… we were felt so bad… in there over an hour… but couldn’t help but laugh quietly, because i asked “yo, can you cut white people hair? yo, y’all sure you can cut my hair?”


Fades to me look like the ano guy messed, but then again I don’t care for most splashes either.


I generally prefer solid colors, but I really like the 1/4 fade on the Moonshine 2. It looks like a half swap when it’s spinning.

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I like fades.

I really like fades!

Photos courtesy of @YoYoExpertGarrett and his anti-gravity yoyo levitation device.

I can’t resist trying to sneak extra colors into everything.


Fades are fun! It’s like buy two colors get the third for free when it’s spinning!


Yep. I like two color fades, especially when they are spinning. Much better than splashes.


Fades, like any other finish, can be good or bad. A quality fade, with a smooth graduation from one tone to another complimentary colour will always look great. Do it poorly and the yoyo has the appearance of being half-dipped into a colour giving an ugly finish.


I’m contractually obligated by Mark to love fades.

jk, i lve fades. it’s the perfect sweet spot between a clean, solid ano and an over the top splash.
Also, strobe effect is endlessly cool.


Fades have always been probably my favorite look for a yoyo anodization. There’s just something so pleasing about a yoyo with a nice fade color way on it and almost every color combination of fade can look good in my view.


I always liked the OD bluegrass fades. This M1 looks pretty nice.