Things not to say to a yoyoer

I just might get a YYF One to carry around along with my high end throw so if someone nice asks to try I just pull out my YYF One and nothing too expensive gets damaged and after all its plastic and it’s made for beginners.

  1. I was yo-yoing at the laundromat late at night. A random guy came up to me and asked “Did you
    learn to do that to impress your kids?”

  2. “I should hire you for my kids birthday parties. Do you do birthday parties?”

  3. A couple of weeks ago I was behind my house in a fenced in area throwing. While waiting for my dog
    to do her thing. A neighbor walks by and asks me " Practicing your yo-yo tricks?" I respond with a
    smile and say " Yeah". So then he said " Well that’s a good use of your time. Probably get ya real far."

what a jerk

^^ yup. Total jerk!

Correct response: Yes, I think you’re right. Persistence, timing, determination, eye hand coordination, critical thinking and problem solving, will get me much further than standing around judging others. Thank you!

I know this has already been said, but man,

“Aw, but that’s like a trick yoyo right?”

LOL good one.
Or how bout “Ya your right, maybe video games would be time better spent.”

Ha! Perfect response.


I just did some demos at a camp for smaller kids and I could barely count the amount of “that noise means it’s electric.”

Of course they’re just kids, still learning. I didn’t really mind.

I want to stab whoever says that

Yoyoers don’t stab people. We Eli Hop them in the face! XD

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:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Boomarang works too. :smiley:

These are annoying:

“Dude, you should bring that on to the basketball court during a game and play defense with that.”

“Dude, you should bring that on the wrestling mat, you’d pin 'em easy”

“Dude, you should bring that onto the football field during a game, you would block the heck out of 'em”

“Dude, got any girlfriends cause of that thing?”

these are mostly the ones I hear at school.

Man alive, I sometimes forget how terrible kids are to each other in school. shakes head

Luckily, it gets better.

wait wait wait, the yoyos we use are used for tricks!!! Wow I didn’t know.

“Oh I forgot…ill send the yoyo monday and let you know.”

“Got busy, tomorrow ill send it…”

“Yes the paypal went through, I just have to send it out and keep getting busy.”

Your BST experience?

Its funny my bst experience is like the opposite. They are all so nice!

I’ve had some “thanks, I’ll leave feedback when I get a chance” and I think, wait…you had just enough time to send me a PM, but not leave me feedback?