There's no need for a women's division at worlds

#sarcasm sorry if it didn’t come across that way.

You know those threads that you go back and look at a few years later, and realize how much of an idiot you were back then. Yeah, this is one of those. ::slight_smile:

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Fine, take out the probably.

Yoyo, if you did a hobby let’s say horseback riding but most of the people doing it were girls… Would you continue doing the hobby even when there aren’t that many guys that do it? You probably wouldn’t continue the hobby when you found out later.


Define “worthy of sponsorship”.

Good enough to compete in recognized contests, nice, and able to travel and represent the company/make videos. If every company knew of an unsponsored girl who met this criteria I guarantee Ginny’s dream would come true.

@Abby if I enjoyed the hobby and I wasn’t made fun of for it, yes. However every girl dominated hobby that I can think of doesn’t interest me.

What are Ann Connolly’s contest results like? Do you think she deserves to be sponsored (given your criteria above)?

We’ve definitely gone off topic here, so getting back to the Women’s division at Worlds - why do you think there aren’t many high-level women players in yo-yoing? Are women not capable of the skills necessary? Do they lack the drive to practice and succeed? There must be a reason, so what do you think it is?

Yes she does, and there aren’t as many female yoyoers so of course there are fewer sponsored women. Although I have heard that testosterone causes men to be more competitive then women which plays a part at high levels as well.

Bingo! So, in order to attract female yoyoers and pick up more of that market, don’t you think it stands to reason that companies/contests should promote female yoyoing as much as possible? More female players = more competitive women = more sponsored women = more women to look up to = more female players.

Maybe… But if the women’s division is noticibly worse couldn’t it have the opposite effect?

Sure, why not? Why should they/anyone else care what I enjoy doing? Its your own weak-mindedness and fear keeping you from doing something you enjoy simply because youre the oonly one with/without a wiener.

Maybe, it would have the same affect if companies started sponsoring handsome boys.

“ohhh, he’s really cute, I’m going to start doing what he’s doing to impress him”

(just trying to be funny)

Yeesh… If I was a female thrower thinking about taking up the hobby, just reading this thread would be enough to put me off. :-\

As far as I’m concerned, anything that makes more people feel more comfortable about competing is a good thing… and if that also helps draw more people to the hobby, then even better.

Also, for anyone doubting the skill of female throwers:

It’s easy to compare these girls to the best yoyoers in the world and say they’re not as skilled. How about comparing them to yourselves or any average male thrower and then asking the same question.


^I hate that argument, I don’t care if they’re better than me, I’m not comepeting. Most male yoyoer aren’t at a level that they can compete at worlds and the same can be said about females. Nobody said girls can’t be good at yoyoing.

This is the 5th place performance in the women’s division at this year’s eyyc.

No kidding ???

Why because some people think hey don’t need they’re own division?

We’ve giving you reasons why having a women’s division is a good idea, and yes it mostly goes to marketing to female players. Why exactly do you think having a women’s division is a bad idea? How does it affect you in any way at all?

Because YoYo is a woman herself. lol

And? It’s already been said that women don’t have to compete in the women’s division, they’re welcome to compete in any division at Worlds.