well, if I have time to spend on making a video (usually at least 10+ hours of work for the simplest ones), I’d rather use it working on specific creative or technical points where I know I need mileage/experience.
The problem with a trick video contest is that it’s usually one shot so little to no editing/creative work. The entire artistic material resides in the yoyoing, and let’s face it, I’m not a good yoyo player (not yet at least).
Some would say it’s kind of cocky but I know that we are able (we actually work as a team when we film) to win creative video contests (like the YYE or Rewind ones) and that’s our goal for 2013. But as long as tricks are the subject, well, you can’t expect to win a formula 1 race riding a donkey. and I’m not even close to being a good yoyo player, it’ll take at least 1 or 2 more years before I can call myself “good” or at least “decent” and have interesting tricks to show.
So as far as I’m concerned, this contest is not for me, it’s a lot of work (getting 1 shot on 1 throw right is nerve wrecking) and I’m 100% sure I have zero chance to even make the top 50 due to my skills.
honestly I should be the worst yoyo player who’s actually on decent quality vids.
I have no problem saying that I’m good at stuff, when I’m actually good at it (music being one of them, video will soon be one of them too, just wait for spring), so this is not false modesty so you guys tell me “yes you’re a good player” just so I’m happy. I’m actually happy with my skill level as it is, for now, because it’s as good as I can get regarding to the time I’ve been putting into it, but yea, no I’m not doing anything remotely interesting yet, yoyoing wise, which is why it just doesn’t make any sense for me to enter this comp, as much as I want to support Z for it.
I’ll just enter the next video/creative one and aim for 1st place, no less, I know we can make it happen, I know we can do better than most, video wise, and this is only the beginning.
Don’t count yourself out all the time.Of course some skillful contenders will arise when there’s a prize on the line ,but I promise if you keep practicing ,you’ll get there someday,maybe even sooner than you expect.