The Yo-yo buddy thread

I’ll try to learn that trick too


So if @shatterFX decides to learn it, then you guys are gonna do a triple buddiness thing


Kinda already learned this, :man_shrugging:still have some trouble with the last whip though.


U can mentor the trio :blush:


I mentor myself. I find it extremely frustrating when the one I’m mentoring refuses to listen! :rage:


I’m still pretty sketchy at it.

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This looks fairly impossible lol
I shall give it my best shot, though @JWaugh probably gonna crush this


Why don’t you post a video of 5 or 6 attempts of your hooks and I’m sure you’ll get a few helpful hints from everyone on this thread. You are already better at hooks then mine :smile:.
I’ll see what i get tonight.

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I attempted hooks last night. What i think is that string makes a difference. I was using regular kitty at first and got nothing… i put a Zipline on and i started to create the hook with the string properly… never caught it but i was getting the loop over my NTH index.

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im just using whatever came with my atlas lol. I’ll film a video today to.

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I’ve been thinking about getting an atlas. I shouldn’t verbalize these thoughts…
If nothing else make sure your string torsion is very neutral.


If you get an atlas, get a b-grade. It’s 60 dollars cheaper and is like just as good. It probably has a tiny bit of fingernail vibe (haven’t tested) but it has like no vibe elsewhere.


WOW. I just filmed the video and then I actually landed one LOL.


@AKYOYOMIKE what’s your progress? I have some special news.

Ive Learnt the hook yessssssssss. Only 40% succes rate though.


My progress looks about where u are or not add good . I can’t see anything wrong… but i can’t hook yet either😃
I think we have to throw 500 more hooks and it will come.
I will say i think you should move the camera up so it’s even with your chest, i think the angle is better for there string and it will be easier for people to give pointers.

And good job landing one!

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Did you look at my spoiler? Lol. I have found the secret. Idk how to describe it though, so you’ll have to try to figure it out. I’ll try to think about how to describe it.

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I didn’t figure it out. I’m not that sharp


I can do it now lol. I’m getting pretty consistent. I’ll try to film some later.


Well i feel like i did my job here. Good job bro :yum:

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You beat me to the hook, very impressive. What’s next? Follow?

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