The "What Inspired You" Thread

The yoyo itself inspired me to start.

Yes, mikey you did lol

I got inspirered by a guy who came to my school with a ned yo “cheap and plastic” so I bought one. Loved it and did rock the baby, split the adam, trapeze, double or nothing, matrix, and plastic whip in the first week of having it. Came to this site and bought a hitman. Practiced with it for about a 6 months and bought a pgm “the first more expensive one” practiced for about 1 more year and made a forum acount when I saw everybody talking on here, and here I am know about 1000x better than when I first started. And got seven more yoyo’s since then. Been throw’en about a year and a half.

Anyone else seen this Ned guy?

Ive always liked yoyos since i was little toddler but my story started when i went to my cousins house. he had a yomega brain and id never had a yoyo that could sleep so i tried it out and in half an hour i got rock the baby, walk the dog and loop the loop. after that i decided to get myself a yoyo. so i went to rebel sport and bought myself a Yomega Brain a fixed axle and eventully i realised that when ever things like yoyos exist pro people must do it so i typed yoyo profesionals and i saw a vid of Ap in 2008 after that i decided to get my self a ball bearing yoyo which was the yoyojam legacy and now im thinking of competing in Australian national yoyo contest ;D

My parents got me an old “Tom Smothers Yo-Yo tricks” movie when I was 6, I was amazed but not quite coordinated enough yet, I got Duncan imperial when I was eight and thought it was the best yoyo ever jk. I learned the 9 tricks on the movie, and bought a Duncan profly and proyo. my first baring yoyos where the Duncan bumble bee and avenger. Just went to my first competition two weeks ago.

Lol i went to the dollar store and bought a duncan imperial
took it to school about 3 week later got a mosquito
2 weeks later got a meteor
they got banned

While in school last year, my 6th period class went to the library to look up some stuff on the interwebz, I saw Zach Ball, a senior at my school, doing Matrix and Revolutions. Now, I had seen up-downs, but I was intrigued to see a metal rimmed yoyo (DMI) and the fact that it DIDN’T COME UP!!

My Friend searched yoyos, and I saw they were 40. I said “NO, I won’t get one”.

I threw my friend’s who got a Dif-E-Yo, for 40, and I was hooked. I bought one a week later :slight_smile:

Hey who summoned the threadomancer?

Anyways, I was cleaning my room and found my RBII in my sock drawer along with a strobe-yo. I went digging in another drawer for my THP raider I knew I had somewhere and I’m still looking for it. I found Yoyonation and yoyoexpert, I met a now good friend through the forums and had my mom on speed dial with a name in my phones directory that isn’t “mom” so I could call her and call her by name if I was going to get abducted. She was totally convinced that I was going to be kidnaped, it was pretty funny. (btw my phone still says Cathy instead of mom) now we hang out practically every week. My GF of 7+ years finally broke and now has a pair if pink imperials, a black maverick and a pink severe and a painted bearing king in her collection.

The rest is history I’ve got over 20 yoyos and 2 spin tops with more to come.

A guy at my school was playin around with a yoyo one day. At first I thought, “wow what a loser, playing with a yoyo… ahahah!”. BUt then he started doing all sorts of cool tricks, like suicide, atomic bomb, double or nothing, and cold fusion. I was amazed! I asked him how to get started into yoyoing, and he told me to get a FAST 201. I eventually got one. I now have surpassed the capabilities of the FAST, and have a DMII. Yoyoing is my favorite thing to do now!

Wow this is pretty much happened to me but i di not think he was a loser. So anyways i forgot about it then got in to it. I ordered a velocity and could do all the tricks up to matrix. Now a have a professional yoyo by Shen Zhou and a l3 and my most advancced trick is either gyro flop or gt suicide and ive only been yoyoing for two months.

I had this friend , Andrew Tan. He was really interested in Yoyoing and collecting Hot Wheels. I thought he was really lame because … Yoyoing + Hot Wheels =
But later on he showed me the yoyofactory videos and stuff. I was inspired.
Well. Here I am now. 6 Months later. ;B
I have inspired more than 20 people. YAY.

Yoyos for life.

When I was like 7 years old, i bought a plastic $1 yoyo, and i couldn’t throw a sleeper, so i got frustated, and quit for a year. Then I found a video with a guy throwing a 3 min. sleeper, so i tried, and I could do it! So after that i hoarded all of my money, and bought a YYF Genesis, (when I was 10) and after that, I flew through the tricks, and now i’m here. I’ve been yo-yoing for about 6 years.

one of my friends showed one of my friends at school and they started me up!
i’ve been going for about a month now and definetly still goin’ strong ;D!

when i was in 4th grade. (im 19) Waipio, Hawaii McDonalds was selling yoyo’s for $2 each if think… everyone in my neighborhood got them. We all started going to yoyo classes and we all were competing on who could do what… i was better than them all >:D and yea off and on after 8th grade and im still blowing peoples minds away here in afghanistan XD

So, what inspired you? When I was a toddler I remember playing with a yomega raider and a duncan tournament. When I was in the fifth grade, NED came to our school. EVERYONE had a NED or Cosmic Spin(i bought cosmic). A friend of mine had a speed maker so, I got one too. After quitting for a while, I restarted and here I am today. ;D

i got a butterfly and i rlly like it found out about real yoyoing and bought a kickside…now here i am

Have you seen this: The "What Inspired You" Thread - General Yo-Yo - YoYoExpert

No, sorry I checked, but I guess I didn’t see it sorry.