The ultimate executive throw? Modified Sovereign for responsive play.

There was a large amount of “Custom” throws listed on ebay soon and I don’t think they’ve ended yet

You also might want to just check out some of hte vintage metal throws:
Superyo samurai (should be responsive)
Henrys coral snake
Came-yo moonstar and mondial
Proyo Cold fusion and cold fusion Gt
yomega metalic missil and wing force
I think the kyo immortalis was also responsive but don’t quote me on that (mike montgomery has one for sale :P)
Duncan also produced the mondial and cold fusion

When I got my Custom Mag, I also got a moonstar, a mondial, and a replacement for my old SB-2. I think the Mag plays best of the bunch. There is one on ebay right now with a starting bid of $17 and no bids.

the other solution is to get the hang of binding with Plastic Whip

or to mod a non-responsive throw like the sovereign you were so interested in.

Not my scene at the moment, I’d consider cutting an axle but I don’t trust myself to do anything significant to a bearing seat, so I just have to find the right throw to do it with. Responsive throws do have their own fun to them as well, but if you only want it so you can play one handed then a plastic whip bind could be a better solution 'cause it means you can do finger grinds too, so you can do more than just trow and return when playing one handed.

I can bind with a plastic whip but find just a good responsive yoyo to be more my thing and I am not modding any of my precious’ hahaha :slight_smile: I would buy one buy I won’t be practicing surgery on my metals lol.

I am really looking at getting a plastic or slapping a small bearing in my surge but a metal would
Make me happy happy happy.

Get a classic. You’ll be surprised how great a responsive throw it is.

I am not very good. I can now do most of McBride Rollercoaster and The Matrix off the advanced list, but I can do those almost as well on my classic as I can my Anglam CC. I just did. Just now. Just to see.

The Classic is the best value in yoyos today in my opinion. Everyone should have 2.

I love the classic and that is my back up plan if I cannot get a cool metal :slight_smile: my kids both rock the classic and wow it is amazing! I’m just aiming at a metal but I don’t know if that will happen (although a second strictly responsive DMII could be awesome.

Also, take any metal, and loop the strong around the axle 3-6 times until it is responsive. Lowers psin time a little, but makes it maintenance free responsive.

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Any throw with side effects can be modded with a slim bearing and shorter axle. I did that with my Code 2 and love it.

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That would be awesome. I have a sakura SE and a Deitz that might make for great responsive throws. Maybe even my summit.

Hmm sounds like I need a Chik! to mod in this way :slight_smile: can you give me an idea on axle length or did you have to cut one to fit?

I really don’t have a clue, but if you measure the width of the wide bearing vs the thin one you will know how much shorter it needs to be. i just went to the hardware store and fooled around till I got the right size.

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The only real reason I asked is my local “junkware” store is well not capable of keeping things on hand and also cannot be bothered into ordering anything. So mostly it will have to come from the net. That said I’ll fidget with my doom-a-flatchy and thing-ma-bob to see if I can work it out. Thanks for the suggestion and idear! You done me a solid and I’m grateful, also grateful to anyone else that has offered advice and suggestions as this will no doubt be of use to someone!

Cheers to the simple things in life. (I may just buy a yelets when money is more ready and have a cool smaller throw to play around with and make responsive :maniacal laugh maniacal grin: )