The Ultimate Counterweight Thread

So I put together a comprehensive list of all of the best and currently available Counterweight’s.

Take a look HERE

I didn’t want to post the thread content here as there are links to other online storefronts.

New Forum Version added!

First and foremost - Duncan’s Patent Expiration Countdown Timer

And now onto the good stuff!

-The Counterweight Thread-


::::::::::Basic Counterweights::::::::::






  • YoYoFactory Spin Top Button Set
    While not actually made to be a Counterweight, these work perfectly for 5A.


  • iYoYo Counterweight
    image image
    This round CW has a groove running around the circumference and keeps the string centered at all times.

This CW is very similar to Duncan’s Rapid Ball Counterweight.



::::::::::Advanced Counterweights (Bearingized, Astro, etc.)::::::::::




The UltraWeight is officially licensed by Duncan Toys Company, Patent 6,371,824.


The final rendition is “Bearingized” and weigh 10.4g


10g CW + 0.5g ~ 3.0g (Beads)





Nice job there!

I wish I had known there were different colored Duncan sets :frowning:

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wow! comprehensive list there. Good job.

I made my own from olive wood with internal lead discs to get the weight up.


I made one for poops and giggles last week, I called it “barrel of fun”


Awesome list! I have a cool little buddha head counterweight I got with my higby888. It’s really odd :joy: I’ll post a pic when I get home.

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Pic of the Olive wood ones i’ve made. Don’t think you can make it out in the photo, but i cut the cubes in half and inserted lead discs to get different weights, while maintaining the same size of cube. Which is why one of the cubes is larger, just messing with ideal size / weight.


Very nice! I would want to stain them and give them a nice protective satin finish.


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Something old and something new.
Old Duncan (2nd gen. freehand?) cw and some drilled dice.


your absolutely right, but i’m torn between plain wax and polish which can come out really nice, or as you suggest a stain but then clear or colour, or even a varnish, or maybe my fave at the minute which is just Danish Oil, choices abound :smiley:

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I think you have (or can make) enough samples to try all those options and see what you like best.


I made a few laser cut designs with the intent of licensing them to sell, but the price Duncan asks just to sell a counterweight is completely absurd. Once that countdown strikes zero I’ll have a few different (and well tested) designs to share with everyone.

This one of the first I made and my favorite, same dimensions as standard Duncan dice and weighs in at 10g.


@YoYoExpertGarrett, Good stuff! It looks kind of like a puzzle cube of somekind.

Looking forward to the countdown hitting 0 and the market flooding with them.

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Yeah it is like a little puzzle cube. It holds together pretty tightly, but if it loosens up over time the string holds all the pieces in place so it won’t come apart.


Yay! flatpack stuff is neat!

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Not sure if this is how it works, but it’d be cool if it came in a kit where you could basically build the counterweight with different slats that fit together. Adds some customize-ability to it. Unless that’d mess up how it looks, I think the look is excellent

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Yeah, it would be easy enough to offer it as a kit (in 266 days of course). I could make holes in the center 3 panels or use different woods or even plastic to make the weight more customizable.


Wonders of 3d printing


Ryocancan is yours based on the link to the 3D printed file I posted?

It is yeah.

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Printed my own design

11g PLA