THE SECOND ANNUAL YOYO BBQ. Nashua NH. Sunday, August 7th.

Alright guys. I’m gonna go. I was gonna go to the intrepid in new york but walking around is a problem because i just recently got a 5 inch long splinter lodged into the main muscle in my leg. So i’ll be there :smiley: any crap I can bring?


bring sourdough and popsicle sticks

  1. butt rly naow
    whaddaya want me to bring

I picked up some chips at walmart today… Gonna be there at about 11-11:30

Gonna be dere. Gonna be da star. Dawg :stuck_out_tongue:

So the weather forecast doesn’t look too great. Pretty much guaranteed to be raining at 11 but should lighten up later on closer to 1 or 2. Our conundrum will be making sure we have a table or two and a grill while staying out of the rain in the stone house. Our counter-conundrum is who the hell goes to a park on a rainy day.

For those who have not been to Greeley or one of our meets before, we tend to meet in the stone house behind the fountain. when driving down the street, it’s very hard to miss. One side of the street has a stage, the other side is where we will be.

It’s gonna be a good day, rain or shine ;D

Me and Pedra should be leaving within the hour. Man you guys get up early…

I’ll be there :slight_smile: and I’ll find something to bring :-\ but I’ll be a bit late :-[ and I won’t be able to bring cooper :frowning:

Guys, this turned out awesome. Today ended up being way better than forecasted. It was a ton of fun, and I hope to have just as much fun next year. Too bad Q and Hunter never showed D: .

Expect the photos up soon!

“I made a promise to myself very early in life to pet every dog that I ever met”.

Awesome meet guys. I had a blast.

yea we definately need to have bbq’s more often maybe twice a year or something haha and pat u better put the tree pictures up i wanna see them

Awesome time.

Huge shout outs to everyone, but much more to PatrickCondo and Dana. They both were awesome for holding the meet(Pat thats you), and trading/talking with(Dana and pat.)

Also cool to meet Jake Elliot. Cool to meet a guy from Detroit, what?



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album here:

Silly Detroit.

I just got home…