The Rose Game

Alright I will be giving the answer in roughly half an hour. Keep guessing until then!

Want the answer?



…and I give up. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can do it, LordCanti. You just have to listen carefully to each example.

Ah, that’s a hint.

Writing symbols on a chalkboard

If a rose is a rose, and a car is a rose, then is a car a rose? (No?)

If a horse is not a rose, is a yoyo a rose? (Yes?)

If a hat is a rose, and a horse is a rose, and a tree is not a rose, but a dog’s bark is a rose, yet a dog is not a rose, is a rose not a rose? (Yes?)

If I’m right I think I found the secret.

All of those are no’s.

No they’re ro’s

Is the answer always no?

Nope lol. 10 minutes and I’ll reveal the secret!

Here’s the answer:

Whenever I said the word “listen”, the answer would automatically be “yes”.


Some good guesses though. ;D

WOOOOOOOWWWW -__________-

That’s so cheap, I thought it was going to be somethingn logical :stuck_out_tongue:

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Damn I was looking for some keyword, I shoulda found this one by myself >:(
I didn’t try hard enough though

well played, well played…

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slow clap

Well played sir, well played.

It’s kinda like the game Black magic.

I was just about to say that!