I was drawing one day and came up with this. I don’t know, I think it looks cool but that’s me. If I were to have a signature yo-yo, I’d call it the Plus, and it would look like this:
OMG I just brought up a picture of the C22! It looks the same. Never relized that. PLUS: Modeled after the Catch 22. No, That would be the Frantic though.
Not many detals, as it is just a sketch. But, M1 size, Black and White. Called the Plus. Why is it called that? Maybe because its better than most? OH WAIT, NO YO-YO IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.
yah yah im sorry i should of thought of that . man kim lan youve been correcting me right and left
any way i was just thinking that they were just made to have thoughs dimple things on the side
Rofl i made this like a few months back. I actually would make it polycarbonate body with celcon rims now that i think about it. Would that infringe yyj patents still?
I think they have a patent on putting denser material on the rims, something like that. I’m quite sure that nobody else in the US is permitted to make yoyos with metal on the rims. I think.