The Original Trick Thread!

Name: Ptah (Pron: pəˈtɑ)-(Probably vocalized as Pitaḥ in ancient Egypt)
Type: Repeater
Style: Boing/Wrap/Fun
Difficulty: Intermediate

Made this one up a few weeks ago and its quickly becoming my signature trick. It’s not too complex, though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else has come up with it before.

Name: Guillotine GT
Type: Body-involved
Style: Flashy, show-offy
Video: I’ll post one when I have one. Basically you form a GT around your neck and everyone thinks you’re going to strangle yourself (you’re not, of course). I’m also working on a “classy fedora” variation in which you remove a fedora from your head whilst doing a pinwheel before proceeding with the trick and then replacing it after the GT is formed.

Trick Name: Hip and Hop
Trick Type: Pop/GT
Trick Difficulty: Beginner
This is one of the easier tricks I have made, and I love it, just because it’s fun to do, and you can repeat it over and over again. To be able to repeat it, instead of doing a normal hop off the double or nothing, remove only your throw hand finger and land in a trapeze, it’ll make a loop around your finger, use that loop, and you’ll land of a GT without any twists.

I really want to learn this, could you elaborate it somehow in a video or something?

So Expert. No way that’s intermediate.

Electric Bologna


just another repost, for those who havent seen it

U STOLE MY TRICK! lol, nahh, u made it first, but i did come up with that trick like  aweek ago  :smiley: i like to add it to the end of my combos

It’s actually really easy, I guess everyone learns it at some point? :o

yea, cuz its reallg just the green triangle thats new, but its pretty simple, and thedouble or nothing is just thrown in there, u could do a kwyjibo and end it with that green triangle too. I like green triangles  ;D easy to create, fun to do, pleasing to watch  :slight_smile:

I actually have a bunch of new tricks I (think I) made up, I just need a proper camera.

Hey aznnboyaZ, might I give a suggestion?

Electric Bologna is a very awesome combo… You are clearly skilled.
I personally think it is way too long for a tutorial though. You have some great elements in that combo that I would break down into separate tricks / videos.
If you teach the original elements separately, it would be much easier to digest.

Either way, I am still going to copy some of your moves. ;D

Name: Pride and Joy
Type: speed/flow
Difficulty: Intermediate

Name: Boom!
Type: Transition
Difficulty: Very hard
Description: Do a horizontal finger spin, whip the string around the yoyo twice, also forming two loops. Catch a loop with a finger on each hand, then pull, changing the axis of the yoyo’s spin back to normal.

Reverse Star Laceration
Difficulty: Hard
Style: Whip/Laceration

Already in a different topic but this one looks like fun :slight_smile: and its original :slight_smile:

Name: Slackadaisical
Difficulty: Tricky (for me at least)
Style: SLACK!

It’s actually still not finished and there are some more parts on the end that I’m trying to get consistent, but I just felt like filming what I could today.

Name: Rewind-Rewound
Difficulty(by YYE rating): Expert 1

Description: This trick is a lot line the classic rewind but w/ some flair and difficulty added.
1.Pinwheel to Trapeze
2.Trapeze to Bro
3.Bro to Double or Nothing rolled to Trapeze
4. Trapeze to Reverse Double or Nothing (Or Double Bro if u will)
5. Reverse Double to Triple or Nothing
6.Trip or Zip to Trapeze
7.Trapeze to Tachiato Trapeze (bro popped to reg. trap.)
8.Bind to deep breath to bow lol

(P.S. To add style try to make the yoyo appear to be ‘bouncing’ off the string. If you need help contact me!)

Name: Devil’s Escape
Type: Technical
Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate? Expert by yye standards

Anyone want the steps? Its pretty simple, different elements from other tricks and some stuff i made up, but im sure others have figured out before me :smiley:

Name: Lindy’s Triangular Loop
Difficultly: Very Hard


  1. Throw a Lindy Loop
  2. Bring hands together and pop the yoyo up into both strings while making a rightward movement with your TH leaving you with 2 strings hanging from your NTH Index
  3. Drop the string on your NTH that is at an angle leaving you in a ‘double rolled’ 1.5 mount.
  4. Unroll extra twist in the weird 1.5 leaving you in a regular 1.5 mount.
  5. Swing the yoyo counterclockwise over your hands like in Buddhas Revenge
  6. Pull out your TH index leaving you in a trapeze
  7. Swing the yoyo clockwise over your TH wrist putting you in a basic Green Triangle
  8. Pop the yoyo out on the INSIDE putting you back into a trapeze.
  9. Bind, deep breath, bow!

that’s an interesting combo. I like the GT at the end.