The OFFICIAL Duncan Mosquito YoYo Vid Contest

       The Mosquito Yo-Yo Video Contest  

The Point of this is easy, see what you can do on a Mosquito. The Mosquito is a super light and super responsive yoyo. If you can’t find one at your local Wal-Mart you can get one here Now on to the rules.


  1. You MUST use a STOCK Mosquito

  2. The Video MUST be at least 1 min. but no more than 3 min.
    You must show that it is STOCK a new in the Package is recommended but is not mandatory.

  3. No Video effects or changes you may add music and a title but that is all.

  4. Entry begins now

  5. The End Date is December 21st at midnight, Voting for the Contest begins December 24th at 12 PM.

  6. Have Fun

The Prize: If I can find someone to Donate a modded a Mosquito (Preferably a Silicone Recessed and Weight Modded) if you would like to Donate one please PM Me :smiley:

Happy Holidays and Happy Throwing ;D

To Add to the Rules You may change the string. I am considering letting you remove one friction, but that is still under consideration.

…Happy Holidays and Happy Throwing… ;D

Soo pretty much the imperial contest with a Mosquito?

Basicly Yes, but this should be a little easier, not much but a little.

:-[ I guess I’m out.

how bout you open it up a bit and allow speed beetles or flying squirells or something of that sort?

This is more of a string trick contest so Speed Beetles won’t work and Flying Squirells aren’t as easy to get as a Mosquito, which are sold at all Wal-Marts. I want to see what You can do on a Mosquito, which was a lot of people first yoyo.

I’m so doing this. Right now, my Mosqiuto has some Chu Pads, but I’ll remove them and add some Friction Stickers.
If my bearing is broken in really good, do I have to lube it? It’s just a stock Duncan bearing with the sheilds still on.

what an ORIINAL contest. i have such good sarcasm 8)

If its a Duncan Bearing its good, It can be cleaned, and broken in. Just No Ceramics or KKs or CT ect.

BUMP It UP 2 Days Left comeon Post Some Vids or PM me the Link!!! ;D

Contest= Epic Fail

I am going to enter. Im finishing up my vid, and it should be up Friday or Saturday.

Im probably going to be the only one who enters.
Oh well, I doing this mostly for fun. :smiley:

BUMP and Time Change