Title says it all.
I know there are a good amount of GFXers (Graphics Artists) on this site. I see sigs all teh time.
So, post any of your work you’ve done over the years.
I’ll start.
(Not all of mine)
(Photomanipulation. Basically, I took 2 photos and combined them throw a process of rendering, blurring, resizing, and gradient mapping. And, to add to the feeling, I scratched a broken heart and made it look as though it was a scar

(Scrapped Design. Don’t worry about it)
(Scratched an Ipod using one as a reference. Fairly easy

(Old Avatar)
(Kinda Crappy Planet I made a while back)
(Old Halo 3 Clan Logo)
(Old GFX Team)
(Scratched Fake Medicine. For teh lulz

(Another Old avatar)
(Small version of a Wallpaper featuring my Scratched Coke can)
(DTTech 2011 Logo -Ridiculously resized - )
Well, those are my big ones. What do you guys have?