The Official - CLYW News

Yup do u follow me? This is unrelated so im gonna get back on topic. Who is buying a Cliff? I AM


Just a heads up, I didnā€™t see much about it, but there was a big restock of the Arctic Circle, including a bunch of that fancy Confetti Ano everyone seems to be going nuts over.

Itā€™s in the new releases

It wasnā€™t when I made that post.

Oh, ok. I might not buy a Cliff now that the AC with the fancy annos came out :wink: :smiley: ::slight_smile:

Welcome to the team Mark!!

Profile here:

Wow, he rocks! How come Iā€™ve never heard of him until now?

Cause Mark doesnt exactly make many videos and when he does he doesnt post on the forums. Heā€™s a great yoyoer! Heā€™s also a real laid back guy. I remember this guy threw a Starlite religiously for the longest time.

Thats a smoooooooth video.

Congrats Mark! Iā€™ve seen his stuff on Innovation Movement several times, and I was always wondering why he was never picked up. itā€™s about time :smiley:

Woah.  He deserves to be on the team!  Heā€™s so smooth and has such an interesting style!

Wow, his style is so good! Congratulations Mark!

You know who else should be on CLYW? Chase Hadden. That kid is beyond good.

Mark is a great guy and a thrower who has regularly visited the NYYYC(New York Yo-yo Club). Check him out last summer in our club video 1:20 mark with his starlite

Great video! Iā€™m awed bye his smoothness. Where the heck did he come from?
BTW, thatā€™s not the way I spell Chiefā€¦just sayinā€™.

will there be another run of wooly marmots? just asking.

I have one if youā€™re interested. Pm me.


A confetti puffin :). :slight_smile:

Super hard to go up from there!