The New 1A world Champ!

After trying the Barracuda at the Duncan booth at last year’s Worlds my mind was blown. It’s crazy smooth and beautiful. They deserve an award for that thing.

It also wasn’t free. It should be $3000 plane ticket Style.

When will the better quality videos come out?

I was hoping for John Narum ;_;

Ok everybody be honest. Did any of you think last week that Janos would win or even place top 3?

I mentioned this earlier as well… In those threads where you predict the winner of the wyyc I dont think I saw Janos ANYWHERE in there… It was mostly suzuki, chia, gentry, gormly, and yuuki(if he showed up). But I will say that routine really was insane and I believe that is the most difficult routine I’vr everseen, he did stuff I couldn’t even imagine, and pulled all of that off effortlessly, he deserved that win. If he keeps this up, I’ll be expecting another win next year.

Janos is very good, and his win was much deserved. But this years competition didn’t seem to be up to par as far as 1a is concerned. Suzuki and Zach weren’t on their A game. A lot of the top US players didn’t even make finals (Harold, Gentry) And Marcus Koh wasn’t even there.

He did beat out Chris Chia, Luis Enrique, and Paul Kerbel. That is no easy feat. But I like to watch someone with a little more stage presence than Janos (Our past 3 world Champions come to mind). And it looked like he recycled A LOT of material from his EYYC performance (Which also netted him a win so I can’t blame him)

Still, congratulations to Janos. A win is a win. And congratulations to Duncan for bringing home two world titles this year.

Is it bad that I’ve never heard of this guy before? haha

Most are already on YouTube:

[quote=“Alex Fairhurst,post:27,topic:57741”]
Most competitors use either the same or very similar routines for the entire contest season.  Compare Luis Enrique’s freestyle to his Mexican Nationals FS or Chris Chia’s to his Asia Pacific FS, for example.  That’s standard for any competitor.  Most will even use several of the same tricks year to year, just worked into the freestyle in different ways.

As if Hank Freeman’s amazing 3A wasn’t already doing that!

I can’t wait for to download YouTube videos of the winning performances for all divisions. My internet is especially lame so I’ll yell at them Monday AM to fix it(again).

When that first video he posted in January debuted the entire world went, “Oh wow…if only he could actually do this on stage at Worlds.” Then he won EYYC by a landslide and again it was like, “Oh man, wow, if only he could actually come to the US and do that onstage at Worlds.”

Then he did.

My heart wanted a kid from North America, but Janos destroyed. So happy for him. In my mind I knew he COULD place top 3, I was simply afraid Asian-style type judging would beat him. Glad it didn’t.

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Frankly, I’m not too surprised by Janos winning. Many people thought he could after EYYC. His stage presence isn’t the greatest, but his tricks are incredibly technical yet still original and stylish at the same time.

Really, that was the winning performance? It looked like he threw the same tricks over and over. Maybe I could not see the intricate ways that he avoided knots in new, breathlessly exciting and novel ways. It just seemed like the yoyo never moved. I wonder how these types of routines are viewed by the yoyo layman. Surely technical; but is it entertaining?


It was so hard that pulling it off without a ten knots is amazing. That yoyo was moving like it was in a washing machine with the string slack flawlessly landing time and time again. Maybe need to watch it on larger screen as I had to do the same.

He proved that you can win without insane speed, horizontal or lots of string hits… I didn’t realise that this was possible…

Although I have to agree that it wasn’t a very entertaining performance and he could really work on his stage presence… throw a few Paul Kerbel style backflips in there or something. As yoyogeezer said, a layperson probably wouldn’t find it all that impressive compared to one of Mickeys or Chias routines.

However, you can’t help but respect the amount of skill involved and I’m definately happy for Janos. :slight_smile:

Janos deserves a special edition Barracuda as well as his World Title.

His freestyle was so technical

Accidentally thanked you whilst trying to hit quote. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a little confused… were you agreeing with me or was this aimed as a rebuff to my post?

Now we just need Yuuki, Augie and Jensen to compete at Worlds again…"

I was agreeing completely. :wink: