The most unique thing someone has ever said in response to your throwing.

huh…does that have a battery in it?..OMG

“My cousin is better because he can do the swing around thingy (around the world) and the triangle (Rock the baby)…”

Take me to your leader! That is what I hear most.

i get 2 weird responses

“how old are you”

“Is this a new sport/fad”


Hawaii SUCKS :-[

“My company manufactured that yoyo. Thanks for supporting us!”
Me: Oh cool you work with YYJ?
“Yes, that particular model you got there took years of testing due to its motors, machining cost was high but it was worth it in the end as you have seen”

: \

no you should have been
them: “My company made that yoyo”
you: “oh you work for yyj?”
them: “yes”
you: “this is a yyf”

and i have been called a cheater
they have also said “is that one of those automatic yoyos that does the trick for you?”

this and
“you suck at yoyoing”
really people? Really?

Is that one of those thing that tricks your friends into thinking you have skill???

i throwin at skool(doin yukki slack or somethin) and a guy came up to me and said “i can do a cooler trick, i’ve been yo-yoin for years” then he took my speed maker and tried to do a brin twister mount (not the trick, just the mount) and failed. he handed it back back to me and said “ur yo-yo sucks”

:frowning: I hate that guy now >:(

my least favorite comments are the ones like:
that is a trick yoyo, you are cheating
there is a motor
my cousin invented that trick.

oh and once i showed someone this websight and they saw the speeder video and they always call Mickey
Mitsubishi. yes the car