The Jammer

Hey guys. Alex Morton here of Freshly Dirty.

I’m beyond stoked to introduce you all to my next cheap fixed axle project called The Jammer, this fixie was formerly known as “the flapjack.” I have been turning these bigger fixed axles for a few years now and I finally feel like they are finished and played enough. I think my first one went to Kevin Markie. The others just stayed within my desk space and sent to people in the Freshly Dirty circle.

I’ve enjoyed them a lot and the feedback I’ve got has been positive even with the simple design and craft. Just a bigger fixed axle here. With a larger axle and low spin rate. Some sloppy vibe, but a ‘loves you back’ kind of vibe. Like a cool first impression kind of good vibe.

I hope to make these in two separate ways, and at a cheap feel good cost.

Complete: 20.00 Comes glued and finished product ready to jam out of the bag.


d.i.y Assembly: 10.00 because let’s face it, I absolutely hate gluing these mofos.

The final product will come with some custom cotton blend string and stickers in a nice brown baggie :wink:

Feel free to ask questions below, I don’t have a set release date yet, I need to make more. Maybe 30 or so before I jam y’alls signal.

Enjoy the sneak preview.

Also sorry, I don’t have specs: I’m a straight spec-less fool right now. Just wanted to get the signal out there to jam it.


Neat I’m down for this


Looks awesome! Is the DIY option going to be just a glue and go, or do you imagine there will be more than that?

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Ohh, looks fun. Would love to jam with these. :metal:


You know I could do blanks! And let type up some basic D.I.Y. Instructions on how to turn it on a drill press like I did from the beginning of creating fixies and freshly dirty. This is a good idea and all or any other ideas are welcome! What were you thinking?


Playing with the wording and thinking that eac one of these will come in the baggie with various “signals” or messages.



Example stickers included in the baggies will be like this:


These look dope I’m also down



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Thanks! More to come! Refer back to this feed for the story! I need to connect these in line with “the traveller” a fixed axle made in the early years of Freshly Dirty and what spawned our brand in 2016.

The Jammer is the second part of the story. If there is one, but I’m definitely down to create some kind of linear or story and universe of our fixies. That way people will go back and try to find them in the wild.


I was fine with the gluing option :sweat_smile:


Please take my money and Ill take 1 of each.

An example of what it should be vs. What I end up with when I complete the DIY.


I will let you know as soon as I have a small batch made up to release!


Looks great!

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Hell yeah! Those look so dope. I’d definitely be interested in getting one

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These look fun! I’ll be watching.

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Why didn’t I think of that?? :rofl:


I’m also totally in with both version of these mofos :grin:

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This would kinda fun. How many playing cards to set the proper gap? I assume we would need to cut the axle to length too, ya?

Put me in the camp of 1 each as well.


I love the idea of DIY assembly! The whole vibe of this scratches an itch.

I’m down to throw down!