Filmed this on a crappy Flip camera…
-Ryan Gee
That was insane. Are you sponsored?
Thanks man, it really means a lot. Currently, I am not sponsored.
If it has not already started, we’re eventually going to see a lot of “So I made this Ryan Gee-style trick”. Unique style, mad skills, always fun to watch.
Why the heck not??
You’ve got some dang good talent there, and a truly unique style. Like Greg said, I can forsee people talking about Ryan Gee style tricks.
Wow, thanks for all the feedback. I really do appreciate it. ;D
Are you serious???
Wow. How on earth does your yoyo not spin out doing those plane changing tricks?!
Also, that yoyo looks so unfamiliar. What is it?
The black/grey one is a Code 2, and the red one is a Sine//Saw,
Hm. Maybe it’s the lighting!
In any case, Rock on! You have such a style, and Its beautiful and so much fun to watch!
Last thing, who is the artist?
Lust In The Movies by The Long Blondes
Last bump.
yo dog, the crappy camera added to the feel of the video, I liked it. Also, the title made me laugh. all your titles are really tight. good work.
already done that:
(It was initially inspired by Mr. Gee.)
yo i wanna call ur style the zombie style cuz u bring it back after it dies XD
I love it.
That trick was freaking awessssomeeee
I love a yoyoer that has tricks that are actually visually impressive. They seem to take influence from contact juggling, which is great. If I do have one critique, it would be to leave out some of the random matrix tricks. Other than that, you have many interesting concepts. You have a very good imagination, which is good for skill toys and juggling. You’re someone that thinks outside the box, and I like that. Don’t plan on quitting, because you have some great potential. I can’t wait to see what’s next.