The "I Bought The Last One" Thread

Blue w/ orange splash Dark Sonic
2010 Mighty Flea

I bought the last green with white caps Classic from here. :stuck_out_tongue:

I bought the last 2010 g5 then they removed it from the website.

Bought the last new ILYY Leopleurodon in the world, I think. I looked all over the web for one…YYE was able to find one hidden away. Beautiful throw.


I just ordered the last Blue Lithium Toxic Hazmat!
It got me wondering… What yoyos have you guys snagged at the last second?

edit: i was a jerk, here ya go The "I Bought The Last One" Thread - General Yo-Yo - YoYoExpert

Purple Mountain Majesty

Please refrain from referencing other online stores. Thanks!

So you are the one that nabbed it. I wanted that! But they have so many varieties that’s why I want a classic.

The Yoyojam Classic? It’s alright, but nothing Special. It need new Response and Bearing right out of the package though.

Well, I don’t believe there’s a YYF Classic, or a CLYW Classic. Hahaha I forgot to quote, my bad.

There’s no Yoyojam Classic?

He wrote YYF.


I sold out a SFX proto and a red New Breed from “yomagic”

Bought the last majesty.

Bought the last yye color way wrath


I bought the last werrd yoyo holder
