The Game Has Changed-Documentary on Yoyos!!!!!!!!

It was the Greeks, as far as I know.
BTW, I know quite far.

I tried to watch it, but i only got halfway before vimeo glitched out on me. :’(
is there anywhere else we can watch it?

Well what do you know, Im actually in this thing. Obviously I would be as I am a true example of a true 5A player.


Nah jk, its an honor to be in this. Happy I get to be a part of it.

cool, which one are you, I don’t think I ever seen your face (at least not directly associated with your name so I can put both together)?

edit: nevermind, I actually seen the name and the face together before, just spotted you in the vid ^^

1:48 ish I think it was? Gotta check again.

yep that’s what I thought, I’ve used some of your 5A tutorials if I remember right

Yeah I saw you your awesome!

Yeah, I was watching and I was like, hey that looks like Josh

Did anyone read the comment saying regarding the Jensen/YYF thing there is hate within the community.

Maybe because I’m new, or maybe because I don’t want to get caugh up in the ups and downs(heh!) and the drama, I don’t see why there’s any reason to hate.

I mean, I think it’s annoying that Jensen is moving from sponsor to sponsor(granted, back and forth), but to me that seems to be more his problem than anything else. I’m sure there’s more to it than that.

Right now, if I had any say, and I don’t, If I was a company, based on how he’s bouncing around, I’d not want to sign him up with my company. I just see him as not willing to make an extended commitment to anything right now. Besides. I also think we, as a whole, have a lot of better things to do than to “be hatin”’ right now on anyone or anything.

The video was nice. Not great, but nice. Interesting. Should be a bit longer.

Just watched the video and really enjoyed it. Makes me wish more and more that I didn’t go on vacation during worlds this year. Now, I have to wait till August again! Will be fun this year though, that is for sure. I’m actually going to know a few tricks and know a little more about everything this time so I’m looking forward to that. I think the part I’m least looking forward to is explaining to my wife why my trunk will be filled with yo-yo’s… :wink:

Cool video!

Now i’m really looking forward to Strings or whatever it’s called.

OK, but where are you gonna put your throws then?

(bad joke…)

I must admit, the end comment from Steve about how the Worlds was comparable to the Canadian Curling Championship because they’re small sucked. Last I heard the worlds draws crowds of about 10,000 fans. Meanwhile the “Brier” has crowds of 100,000 plus. The best players from the Brier get to compete in the Olympic games! So, who’s small now? We all wish the worlds was as big. Just sayin’.

Enjoyed the documentary, was interesting. Didn’t really learn anything though, but I guess it is directed at non-throwers.

What I appreciated about Steve’s comment was that it reminds us that the yoyo community really is small. And that’s pretty durn useful to keep in mind, especially as it pertains to how we interact with one another - in other words, it’s all the more wise to try to be cool to one another. Anyway, I really enjoyed this documentary! Great to see the world of yoyoing we love getting some attention.

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