The Game Has Changed-Documentary on Yoyos!!!!!!!!

I hope he gets it up soon, because my parents are going to make me go to bed:)

ACK! It’s the 22nd here already. :stuck_out_tongue: My body is going to make me go to bed here soon. Long gone are the days of staying up 72 hours straight, partying in foreign countries along with playing military inbetween.

Lol, My body is still willing to deal with 24 hour duty and stay up 16 more :smiley:

Where do you downlad it from? all I can find are the teaser and trailer.

he is going to put it on vimeo or youtube. it isn’t up yet. No updates thus far. i dont think it’ll be up tonight

Any updates?

The Game Has Changed Documentary its ay 53%
42 minutes ago · Like

Crossing my fingers :smiley:

Where do you see the %? Are you on vimeo?

I think posting a bit torrent would have been a simpler way to go. And ya, where are you getting the % from because I’ve been searching youtube and vimeo and have seen nothing?

Follow it on facebook. I figured the “Like” part of my post would have given it away ;D

Looks cool.

It’s on Vimeo!!! It was posted 5 hours ago. It is Untitled.

Cool. About to watch it now! Thanks for the heads up Jack.

How do you locate the video on Vimeo?

OK… I guess yye takes the link automatically to post the vid? I was not trying to post it… just a link.


I think it was great, kudos Geoffrey

Here’s the link
Edit sorry if it didnt show up

looking forward to watch it tonight

but didn’t they take one music from the “strings” trailer ?

watched the whole thing, it’s a great documentary and probably good introduction for the “strings” one (which changed its name btw) which is a feature-length documentary (as far as I know) supposed to be released sometime soon.

great stuff, definitely, I shared it everywhere on my FB and some other street culture websites or pages.

Pedro flores didn’t invent the yoyo though.