Okay so over the past few months I posted different stuff about a yoyo documentary I’ve been making on here and a few days ago I asked people what name I should use for the documentary, I ended up using Corli’s suggested name Throwland since most of the people thought it was a cool name.
I watched the whole thing, I thought it was a really good documentary. The only thing you could have worked on was slower subtitles, I mean like 2-3 seconds longer would have helped greatly, other than that great video!
Yeah, the subtitles, hardcode them for the time being. Other than that, it’s got all the right stuff and done the right way, it wasn’t try or boring, but it does cater to a niche audience. This is more of a “yoyo insider” documentary" not one that’s good for “outsiders” to watch. But, it’s nice to see the yo in other countries.