the future is BOLD (from YoYoFactory)

Looks like two door knobs with a bearing in the middle.

They would most probably tilt and die out before you even land your fifth one

stop being so negetive

uhhm did u watch the video above ?!

wrong! watch this

i want the monster ;D

Yay. More Aoda’s.

So yyf realy rebranding aoda this time.
theres aero yo already.
So, is this mean people start to notice that aoda yoyo is good? And for really low price?

anyway, i’d like to see how much yyf gona sell the rebranded one, i know the aoda miracle has about 30 bucks price tag. . .

If you want an aoda miracle, go buy one. Price isn’t everything, we not need do be low cost to offer better VALUE. Most of this value comes in QC and warranty. Every yoyo is hand tested, something which after paying shipping costs most players can appreciate. We upgrade the bearing, removal all with visual damage, re-assemble, hand test culling all that fall outside of acceptable performance. At the end of the process we only package the best of the batch. It will cost you more, but you will get a better product and if you are not happy, we have a warranty to back it up.

did u buy the Aoda license thing for this yoyo cuz u know if u didn’t that is bootlegging which exactly what they did to u (but u know dat)

did you know that posting stuff on your blog accusing us of doing this before asking the question is very offensive?

This product is produced FOR yoyofactory by the original designer.

Please remove your accusations.

People start hating on YYF just because they made a yoyo with the same shape. It may have the same shape, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same yoyo, and they don’t have the license to do that. YYF is a great company, and will continue to be, and has just made more yoyos, with a popular shape. That’s all.

No but OK! i will correct the info so yeah i was just curious
done read the new edited one and tell me what u think :wink:
I didn’t imagine that YYF is goin to “work” with Aoda after all those bootlegs still both are great though !

I don’t have nuttin against YYF and did u actually read Bens post :S

Thanks for the edit :slight_smile:

We support innovation and want to encourage it. By distributing this product we are supporting ‘new’ designs in a positive way rather than just shaking our fist at ‘bootlegging’.

No Problem ;D
i know that ur really a great guy Ben i haven’t tried a YYF nor Aoda but i hope one day i try one :smiley:
this yoyo is actually not that big like i saw a vid of a kid playing wid it it play AWESOME here is the video :wink:

You haven’t tried a YYF yoyo?? :o

Yeah !!o.O

I’m amazed!

I am not. Did u even look at the flag under my name ?!

Oh yeah, well that explains a lot. haha, I forgot to point that out. :stuck_out_tongue: