First the AC was being proto’d, that was like a month and a half ago or something. before the AC had even been out that long, he released pics of the GE. then came the new Avalanche like right after, then before that was released we heard about the puffin, and even though the puffin still isn’t out we are getting the Cliff
we love you chris
I got talk to Petr today about the cliff, he said it does not really play like anything else out there and the closest comparision would be a metal werrd in decision
I’m not expect, but even with the limited number of models CLYWm makes, it seems that they get their stuff right. So, that obviously leaves them more time to move onto new designs. This inner ring thing they designed with the Chief has been well received. It’s in the AC and Glacier Express. It’s being incorporated into the Puffin and Cliff.
Yeah, they are expensive. Yes, I’m glad to see CLYW coming out with new models. Not everyone can afford everything, just a fact of life. If they could drive production numbers UP, they could drive costs DOWN. How much? I’m not sure. I’m sure they could also find other methods of reducing costs while at the same time not sacrificing or compromising on quality.